emghufran / adbproject

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Following configuration needs to be changed in settings.py • Set PROJECT_BASE_PATH to the absolute path of the project • Set SITE_BASE_URL to the site URL • Change DATABASES as per the database used • Update the following variables as per your email host o EMAIL_HOST o EMAIL_HOST_USER o EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD o EMAIL_PORT o EMAIL_USE_TLS

Dependencies The application is dependent on the following packages: • django-select-ajax (http://code.google.com/p/django-ajax-selects/updates/list) - This opensource django application is used extensively throughout the project to add AJAX based autocomplete features for various forms.

? Database adapter - Use database adapter based on your database. For PostgreSQL, psycopg2 (http://initd.org/psycopg/) is the most popular one. Update the connection information accordingly in the setting.py file.