emizentech / magento2-banner-slider

magento2-banner-slider with widget
3 stars 6 forks source link



Composer Installation Instructions

Add GIT Repository to composer

composer config repositories.emizentech-magento2-banner-slider vcs https://github.com/emizentech/magento2-banner-slider/

Since this package is in a development stage, you will need to change the minimum-stability as well to the composer.json file: -

"minimum-stability": "dev",

After that, need to install this module as follows:

  composer require magento/magento-composer-installer
  composer require emizentech/banner

Mannual Installation Instructions

go to Magento2Project root dir create following Directory Structure :
/Magento2Project/app/code/Emizentech/Banner you can also create by following command:

cd /Magento2Project
mkdir app/code/Emizentech
mkdir app/code/Emizentech/Banner

Enable Emizentech/Banner Module

to Enable this module you need to follow these steps: