emmakopp1 / kd_looms

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Code documentation

Project Structure

Below is a template for documenting the structure of your codebase. Each entry should include the folder/file name and a brief description of its contents or purpose.

├── code/         
│   └── archives.R  
│   └── functions.R
│   └── init.R
│   └── weight_db.R
│   └── utils.R
├── data/              
│   ├── kd_level1.nex   
│   ├── kd_level2.nex
│   ├── kd_level3.nex
│   ├── kd_level4.nex
│   └── Kra-DaiLooms28master-2.xlsx
└── outputs    

File Descriptions


  1. data/: This directory contains the five database we use. You can reproduce all the kd_level's files with kd_by_level function.