emmersive-io / client

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Web interface setup

Install webpack
npm install -g webpack

Install a server, if you don't have one or aren't going to use webpack-dev-server
npm install -g http-server

Install application dependencies
npm install

Run a debug build and starts a server at localhost:8080 using http-server
npm start

Run a debug build (file watcher, source maps, non-minified)
webpack -d --watch --progress

Run a release build (minified)
webpack -p --progress

The build outputs files in the www folder, which Cordova uses to create the native installers. Run a server here to access the site locally.

Building and running the native interface

Install Cordova
npm install -g cordova

Add necessary platforms and plugins
cordova platforms add ios
cordova platforms add android

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.console
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.splashscreen
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.statusbar
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.whitelist

Build an installer
cordova build ios
cordova build android

Run an emulator
cordova emulate ios cordova emulate android

Deploying to firebase

Install firebase tools npm install -g firebase-tools

Optimize the codebase
webpack -p

Upload to firebase
firebase deploy (to emmersive-dev)

Upload to different environment in firebase
firebase deploy -f emmersive-stage (staging)
firebase deploy -f flickering-inferno-1351 (production)

Other Dependencies

Android debug from chrome!

In chrome, you can load the dev tools and point it at the app just like you would normally debug a web page. This will give you access to the javascript console, network, dom inspector, etc.