emmesolutions / Model_UBoatMC

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U-Boat Module Control

Arduino Hardware Control + RaspberryPi Web Interface

Project divided into three parts:


 Copyright (C) 2016 Martinelli Michele

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.







PWM Out:

General I/O:


Analog In:

Digital In:

Digital Out

System Structure:

ARDUINO Main U-Boat controller

Status Data:

    TimeSc Time On

    DateD  Day
    DateM  Month
    DateY  Year
    TimeH  Hour
    TimeM  Minute

    GPSLat GPS Latitude
    GPSLng GPS Longitude
    CmpsH  Compass Heading
    CmpsP  Compass Pitch
    CmpsR  Compass Roll
    Speed  Speed
    Depth  Depth

    TmpExt Temperature External
    TmpInt Temperature Internal
    HmdInt Humidity Internal
    TmpH2O Temperature Water
    MEnTmp Main Engine Motor Temperature
    BlTTmp Ballast Tank Motor Temperature

    HdwBtV HdwBtV Hardware Battery Voltage
    EngBtV Engine Battery Voltage
    EngBtI Engine Battery Current
    RPiBtV RPi Battery Voltage
    BtAtmy Battery Autonomy
    MEnSnI Main Engine Motor Current
    BlTSnI Ballast Tank Motor Current

    SonarF Sonar Front
    SonarB Sonar Back
    CllSnr Collision Sensors

    OprCmd Operator Command
    PrmCmd Parameter Command
    MsgAlm Message Allarm
    CmdSts Command Status
    InpSts Digital Input Status
    OutSts Digital Output Status

Arduino Read Instruction Data via GET method: Instruction Data = OpCmd (Operator Command) + PrCmd (Parameter Command)

RASPBERRY PI Web Server for Operator Command Web Interface

OpCmd List:

       00  "Engine Stop"
       01  "Fixed/Reset Rudder Direction"
       02  "Quadrant Turn Port Direction"
       03  "Quadrant Turn Starboard Direction"
       04  "90° Turn Port Direction"
       05  "90° Turn Starboard Direction"
       06  "Reversing Port Direction"
       07  "Reversing Starboard Direction"
       08  "Engine Astern"
       09  "Engine Ahead"
       10  "Dynamic Emersion"
       11  "Dynamic Diving"
       12  "Static Emersion"
       13  "Static Diving"
       14  "Surface"
       15  "Fixed/Reset Rudder Depth"
       21   C1
       22   C2
       23   C3
       24   C4
       25   F1
       26   F2
       27   F3
       28   F4
