emoose / OutRun2006Tweaks

Turning and spinning and spinning and turning, woah!
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Restore bonus stages from Xbox original? #3

Open UserGit-2021 opened 3 weeks ago

UserGit-2021 commented 3 weeks ago

Is it possible to restore the bonus stage? https://youtu.be/eMdwY6X8Bbo

UserGit-2021 commented 2 weeks ago


emoose commented 2 weeks ago

Apparently the files for them aren't included with C2C so guess they would have to be taken from OR2 xbox, I noticed that some of the file structures matched up pretty well between arcade/lindburgh and C2C, so maybe xbox ones would also match up too - though Xbox ver probably uses stuff setup for DX8 while C2C is DX9, so could probably cause issues with the textures/models/shaders it uses...

Haven't really looked into game files themselves that much, saw there were some tools for editing textures/sprites but didn't find much about models or maps yet.

Will try seeing what might work with it if I get hold of xbox ver, but probably a slim chance of actually getting them running.

UserGit-2021 commented 2 weeks ago

Apparently the files for them aren't included with C2C so guess they would have to be taken from OR2 xbox, I noticed that some of the file structures matched up pretty well between arcade/lindburgh and C2C, so maybe xbox ones would also match up too - though Xbox ver probably uses stuff setup for DX8 while C2C is DX9, so could probably cause issues with the textures/models/shaders it uses...

Haven't really looked into game files themselves that much, saw there were some tools for editing textures/sprites but didn't find much about models or maps yet.

Will try seeing what might work with it if I get hold of xbox ver, but probably a slim chance of actually getting them running.

Thanks for answers.

And the question is off topic. Are you planning on fixing Sega Rally Revo in the future?

lance8765 commented 2 weeks ago

Adding those tracks would be a huge achievement, like implementing the infamous volcano/shuttle sequences that were restored for the PS2 Japanese version of OutRun2 SP Special Tours.

I wonder why Western players always get the short end of the stick...