emory-libraries / TheKeep

Curation and access for digitized and born-digital archival audio, video, and disk image content
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EUL CAB: Change Request #41

Closed libdgg closed 1 year ago

libdgg commented 1 year ago

[CHG154478](https://emory.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fchange_request.do%3Fsys_id%3Db3854eff47f8a590befdb2de536d4378%26sysparm_record_target%3Dtask%26sysparm_record_row%3D2%26sysparm_record_rows%3D165%26sysparm_record_list%3Dopened_by%253Djavascript:gs.getUserID()%255Esys_class_name%2521%253Dsc_request%255Esys_class_name%2521%253Dsc_req_item%255EORDERBYDESCopened_at) (draft) - EUL CAB reviewed with the following decisions:

libdgg commented 1 year ago

ACTION: confirm with both teams about their change requests and confirm that we can add our apps to their changes.

ACTION: if they are not putting in the change now (and are planning to wait) raise the change in CAB

libdgg commented 1 year ago

CLOSING this ticket as EUL CAB already reviewed. Moved the notes into the new Ticket for CAB to track follow up and next steps from that ticket.