emory-libraries / TheKeep

Curation and access for digitized and born-digital archival audio, video, and disk image content
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The Keep is a repository-based Django web application for managing digital surrogates or "masters" of archival (and other) source materials. For the first phase of the project, The Keep is intended to handle audio materials only.

The Keep is intended to replace (eventually) the previous system that handled some of this functionality, a Ruby-on-Rails application known as "Digital Masters".



Functionality for creating, editing, and searching Collection objects that are
used to aggregate item-level content, and roughly correspond (in most cases) to
a manuscript or archival collection.


Functionality for ingesting audio content (via single-file or batch upload) into Fedora, editing metadata to describe the audio item, and searching across audio items.


Custom login/logout functionality in support of passing user LDAP credentials
to Fedora so that objects in the repository will be accessed and updated
by the individual user rather than by a single site-wide account.
To Access MARBL materal a user will need the common | MARBL Allowed permission.
To Access Arrangement materal the user will need common | Arrangement Allowed permission
and and entry in the permit-keep-arrangement-admin.xml XACML policy.

Grant access to new / existing users


Common code used by multiple components that does not clearly belong to a single
component is placed here.  This currently includes a customized Fedora Repository
server connection class (:class:`~keep.common.fedora.Repository`), which
has logic for accessing Fedora with the credentials of the currently-logged in
user, as well as utility methods.

System Dependencies

The Keep requires the following network resources:

  * LDAP for user authentication
  * Fedora 3.4 with risearch enabled. It should be configured for FeSL LDAP
    authentication. Note that the localsettings.py requests Fedora user
    credentials; these are used by command line applications. Users logged
    into the web application use their own LDAP credentials when accessing
  * A relational database for user and session information
  * Persistent ID manager for minting ARKs to use as object identifiers.
  * eXist-db XML database for auto-generating Fedora Collection objects
    from the corresponding EAD Finding Aids
  * RabbitMQ for brokering asynchronous tasks


For more detailed information, including installation instructions and upgrade
notes, see :ref:`DEPLOYNOTES`.  For details about the features included in each release,
see :ref:`CHANGELOG`.  See :ref:`APP_MANAGEMENT` for documentation on application management steps that currently cannot be performed within the web application.