emory-libraries / TheKeep

Curation and access for digitized and born-digital archival audio, video, and disk image content
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Project Outcomes Document #64

Closed libdgg closed 9 months ago

libdgg commented 10 months ago

Team is reviewing final version the week of November 20th. Doug will share with Rosalyn the week of Nov 27 (after vacations etc) for review and final approval.)

libdgg commented 9 months ago

Project outcomes document was approved and signed on 11/30/2023. The legacy database migration project formally closed on 11/30/2023.

Project Outcomes https://emory.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/EULLTDS/Shared%20Documents/Internal%20Projects%20(Non-PMO%20Projects)/02%20Internal%20Active%20Project/2023%20Legacy%20Database%20Migration/2023-Legacy-Database-Migration-Project-Outcomes.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=fOuC0h