empierre / MyDomoAtHome

MyDomoAtHome - REST interface for ImperoHome with Domoticz (ISS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DevShutter not seen #144

Closed theduf59 closed 6 years ago

theduf59 commented 6 years ago

hello, My "DevShutter" and "DevShutterInverted" devices are not seen in Imperihome. I checked ISS API and the key "Status" is not an available option for theses devices.

I changed my mdah.js to comment the Status key and it works fine now.

not sure this is the best implementation so I open this issue so that you could update properly.

best regards

empierre commented 6 years ago


can you send me the domoticz view in both opened or closed ?

I do not want to harm other working devices, and find the right key,


theduf59 commented 6 years ago

Hello, What do you mean by Domoticz view ?

here is the (partial) result of the GET /devices request I had for my DevShutter :

"name":"Volet Cuisine",

but according to http://dev.evertygo.com/api/iss only possible param keys are : Device parameter :

so i edited mdah.js / function DevShutterInverted(data) and commented this line : params.push({"key": "Status", "value": status});

some info on my environment :

empierre commented 6 years ago

Hello, this is the result for this device of domoticz output to: http://domoticz_ip:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&order=Name

theduf59 commented 6 years ago

Hello, Here is partial result of this request : http://domoticz_ip:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&order=Name

When Shutter is opened :

, { "AddjMulti":1.0, "AddjMulti2":1.0, "AddjValue":0.0, "AddjValue2":0.0, "BatteryLevel":255, "CustomImage":0, "Data":"Open", "Description":"", "Favorite":1, "HardwareID":12, "HardwareName":"ZwavePlusEvergspring", "HardwareType":"OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal":21, "HaveDimmer":true, "HaveGroupCmd":true, "HaveTimeout":false, "ID":"00000401", "Image":"Light", "IsSubDevice":false, "LastUpdate":"2017-09-01 07:13:07", "Level":100, "LevelInt":100, "MaxDimLevel":100, "Name":"Volet Cuisine", "Notifications":"false", "PlanID":"4", "PlanIDs":[ 4 ], "Protected":false, "ShowNotifications":true, "SignalLevel":"-", "Status":"Open", "StrParam1":"", "StrParam2":"", "SubType":"Switch", "SwitchType":"Blinds Percentage Inverted", "SwitchTypeVal":16, "Timers":"true", "Type":"Light/Switch", "TypeImg":"blinds", "Unit":1, "Used":1, "UsedByCamera":false, "XOffset":"0", "YOffset":"0", "idx":"237" },

when shutter is closed :

, { "AddjMulti":1.0, "AddjMulti2":1.0, "AddjValue":0.0, "AddjValue2":0.0, "BatteryLevel":255, "CustomImage":0, "Data":"Closed", "Description":"", "Favorite":1, "HardwareID":12, "HardwareName":"ZwavePlusEvergspring", "HardwareType":"OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal":21, "HaveDimmer":true, "HaveGroupCmd":true, "HaveTimeout":false, "ID":"00000401", "Image":"Light", "IsSubDevice":false, "LastUpdate":"2017-09-01 07:39:27", "Level":0, "LevelInt":0, "MaxDimLevel":100, "Name":"Volet Cuisine", "Notifications":"false", "PlanID":"4", "PlanIDs":[ 4 ], "Protected":false, "ShowNotifications":true, "SignalLevel":"-", "Status":"Closed", "StrParam1":"", "StrParam2":"", "SubType":"Switch", "SwitchType":"Blinds Percentage Inverted", "SwitchTypeVal":16, "Timers":"true", "Type":"Light/Switch", "TypeImg":"blinds", "Unit":1, "Used":1, "UsedByCamera":false, "XOffset":"0", "YOffset":"0", "idx":"237" },

empierre commented 6 years ago

ok I did not need that, check ISS doc, removed for the blinds and blinds inverted. Check version 0.22.12

theduf59 commented 6 years ago

Here is what I get when I "sudo apt-get update / upgrade"

dpkg: erreur de traitement de l'archive /var/cache/apt/archives/MyDomoAtHome_0.2.12*_all.deb (--unpack) :
 analyse du fichier '/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/control' vers la ligne 2 paquet 'mydomoathome' :
 erreur dans la chaîne du champ « Version » : « 0.2.12* »: caractère non valable dans le numéro de version 
Des erreurs ont été rencontrées pendant l'exécution :
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
empierre commented 6 years ago

not a good news, repackaging it

empierre commented 6 years ago

should be good now