empierre / MyDomoAtHome

MyDomoAtHome - REST interface for ImperoHome with Domoticz (ISS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
32 stars 22 forks source link

MyDomoAtHome nodeJS

REST Gateway between Domoticz and Imperihome ISS

NPM Version NPM REST DOCKER DOCKER PayPal donate button

LICENSE MP REST REST REST REST Documentation en Français: https://github.com/empierre/MyDomoAtHome/blob/nodejs/README_FR.md MyDomoAtHome

Important update for Bullseyes

Do the following to install

curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
wget https://www.e-nef.com/domoticz/mdah/node-mydomoathome-0.2.48.deb
sudo dpkg -i node-mydomoathome-0.2.48.deb

Important update for Buster

More and more npm (node package manager, needed with node interpreter) are making inssues while installing MDAH, breaking it without any change.

if NPM version is below 2.x.x and you're running Buster please do the following, and then relaunch the upgrade through apt !

npm -v 1.4.21
sudo npm install -g npm

Features and goals

The goal of this project is to provide a REST API to ImperiHome ISS that would allow to see the current state of sensors and interact with them in case of an actuator.

M1 Goal reached - first version in Perl Dancer after ISS has been announced

M2 Goal reached - full rewrite to node js with debian packaging, simpler install and upgrade, better performance, less dependencies

M3 Goal reached - full graphs, flexible room usage and UI improvements

M4 milestone will provide extended support to other platforms with Docker and Synology

PayPal donate button

Standalone installation (PI, cubie, odroid, intel...)


Install procedure

Check the nodeJS version installed - mandatory for PI !

sudo dpkg --list |grep nodejs // should return version 4.x or above

If not please do:

On RASPBIAN (Raspberry PI/PI2/PI3), please install first to have a stable nodeJS :

sudo apt-get remove node
wget -q http://www.e-nef.com/domoticz/mdah/nodejs_4.4.2_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i nodejs_4.4.2_armhf.deb
wget -q http://www.e-nef.com/domoticz/mdah/npm_2.14.7_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i npm_2.14.7_armhf.deb
sudo npm install -g npm@2.x

On Debian buster :

sudo apt-get install nodejs npm

On all other (debian, ubuntu...), version 4 is required (testing/unstable are fine):

sudo apt-get remove node
sudo dpkg -r nodejs npm
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

The following commands install npm and then upgrade it to the latest 2.x version.

sudo npm install -g npm@2.x

And check again

node —version // should print version 4.4.x or similar
npm —version // should print version 2.2.x or similar

Installing the software Debian package .deb

  1. start here:

    wget -qO - https://www.e-nef.com/domoticz/mdah/gpg.mykey | sudo apt-key add - sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

  2. Add the line:

    deb https://www.e-nef.com/domoticz/mdah/ /

  3. Then:

    sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install MyDomoAtHome

    Important remark: do not install as root, but sudo as an unprivileged user.

  4. Edit the configuration file with your values:

    sudo nano /etc/mydomoathome/config.json sudo service mydomoathome restart

Installing the software on Synology

Add http://www.jadahl.com/domoticz_beta_6/ to your Synology NAS Package Center sources !

The package is node-mydomoathome

Domoticz will run on port 8084 and MDAH on 3002.

Remember to set in Domoticz Settings/Local Networks

Installing the software on Windows

download and install nodejs here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/current/

download zip here: https://github.com/empierre/MyDomoAtHome (green clone or download button right)

unzip locally

click window touch+R, type in 'cmd' and enter

go in the unzipped repository

npm install
node mdah.js

to launch do from a cmd window:

node mdah.js 

configuration "config.json" must be in the same directory as the file mdah.js


  1. It works in a "key":"value" mode. Basic values are:

    { "app_name": "MyDomoAtHome", "auth": null, "tempmode": "C", "domoticz": { "ssl": false, "host": "", "port": "8080", "path": "/", "auth": null }, "port": "3002", "passcode": "" }

    • remark: if you have a configuration issue, check that you don't have },} as it is an error of syntax and should be }}
    • multi-instances: just change the app_name tag between instances
    • change the MDAH port: change the basic (top level) port (here 3002)
    • protected device code: change the passcode above
    • access domoticz in ssl mode: change domoticz:port and ssl to true
    • change domoticz host or port: do it on domoticz:host and domoticz.port
    • add a login/pass to access MDAH:change top-level "auth": null to

    "auth": { "username": "admin", "password": "admin" },

    • manage login/pass on domoticz, do the same in domoticz:path

    • Variant: start in https mode:

      openssl genrsa 1024 > key.pem
      openssl req -x509 -new -key key.pem > key-cert.pem
    "app_name": "MyDomoAtHome",
    "auth": null,
    "tempmode": "C",
    "https" : true,
    "key" : "test/fixtures/keys/key.pem",
    "cert": "test/fixtures/keys/key-cert.pem",
    "domoticz": {
      "ssl": false,
      "host": "",
      "port": 8080,
      "path": "/"
   "port": 3002,
   "passcode": ""

Stuck on a pre 0.1.x version

apt-get remove mydomoathome
apt-get update
apt-get install MyDomoAtHome

Migrating from old/Legacy MyDomoAtHome

Shut down the old service

sudo service MyDomoAtHome.sh stop
rm /etc/init.d/MyDomoAtHome.sh

N.B. you can have the both at the same time, just chane the App name in the config.json file and the port.

Migrating from ISS-DOMO

edit /etc/mydomoathome/config.json with your previous port (was 8000 default), change app_name value to ISS-Domo and then restart the service

Running the service

The default port is now 3002.

Start the service:

sudo service mydomoathome start

Stop the service :

sudo service mydomoathome stop

Restart the service :

sudo service mydomoathome reload

Docker installation (only for those using this form: big Synologies, Xpenologies...)

Docker image is automatically build based on latest verion. Configuration can be passed through command line (see below) /etc/mydomoathome is also mounted

Duplicate the image

docker pull epierre/iss-mdah

Launch the process

Remember to change the IP below and authorize in Domoticz the docker IP range

docker run --name=mdah --env DOMO="http://your_ip:8080" --env TZ=Europe/Paris -p 3002:3002 epierre/mdah

Check running docker processes

docker ps

Stoping a docker process

docker stop mdah 

Testing the installation

Accessing the Gateway from the outide of your network

The best way is to setup the nginx for both domoticz and the gateway: http://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Secure_Remote_Access

sudo apt-get install nginx-full sudo apt-get install openssl sudo apt-get install haveged

In the domoticz configuration add a section to redirect to the gateway such as this (change your ip below)

location /iss/ {
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/mdah.access.log;
  error_log /var/log/nginx/mdah.error.log;

Advanced support

For an unsupported device or any issue with a particular device, please report with it the JSON from Domoticz with this URL:

