empierre / MyDomoAtHome

MyDomoAtHome - REST interface for ImperoHome with Domoticz (ISS)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not visable Thermostat LC13 in imperihome (via domoticz) #161

Open shaad234 opened 6 years ago

shaad234 commented 6 years ago

Unfurtunatly my 2 thermostat devices Danfoss LC13 are not visible in imperihome, although they are visible and possible to change valueas in domoticz. all other devices are visible but heaters not :(

domoticz ver 3.8153 Imperihome ver 3.0.8 NodeJS: v4.2.2 Date of issue: 31.12.2017

Please inform how enable support for Danfoss LC13? my log from

{"devices":[{"id":"S0","name":"MyDomoAtHome","type":"DevGenericSensor","params":[{"key":"Value","value":"0.2.36","unit":"","graphable":"false"}]},{"id":"2","name":"Adrian Grzejnik","type":"DevThermostat","room":"Switches","params":[{"key":"cursetpoint","value":"19.0"},{"key":"curtemp","value":"19.0"},{"key":"step","value":"0.5"},{"key":"curmode","value":"default"},{"key":"availablemodes","value":"default"}]},{"id":"3","name":"Rodzice Grzejnik","type":"DevThermostat","room":"Switches","params":[{"key":"cursetpoint","value":"20.5"},{"key":"curtemp","value":"20.5"},{"key":"step","value":"0.5"},{"key":"curmode","value":"default"},{"key":"availablemodes","value":"default"}]},{"id":"14","name":"Warszawa Temp Wilgotność","type":"DevTempHygro","room":"Temp","params":[{"key":"Hygro","value":97,"unit":"%","graphable":"true"},{"key":"Temp","value":4.6,"unit":"°C","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"14_1","name":"Warszawa Temp Wilgotność","type":"DevPressure","room":"Weather","params":[{"key":"Value","value":1005,"unit":"mbar","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"15","name":"Warszawa Temp odczuwal","type":"DevWind","room":"Weather","params":[{"key":"Speed","value":"4.3","unit":"km/h","graphable":"true"},{"key":"Direction","value":"254","unit":"°","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"16","name":"Warszawa Nasłonecznienie UV","type":"DevUV","room":"Weather","params":[{"key":"Value","value":"0.0","unit":"","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"17","name":"Warszawa Deszcz","type":"DevRain","room":"Weather","params":[{"key":"Accumulation","value":"6.0","unit":"mm","graphable":"true"},{"key":"Value","value":"0.2","unit":"mm/h","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"18","name":"Unknown","type":"DevGenericSensor","room":"Utility","params":[{"key":"Value","value":"0.0","unit":"Watt/m2","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"19","name":"TempHum","type":"DevTempHygro","room":"Temp","params":[{"key":"Hygro","value":47,"unit":"%","graphable":"true"},{"key":"Temp","value":23,"unit":"°C","graphable":"true"}]},{"id":"20","name":"Temp rodzice","type":"DevTemperature","room":"Temp","params":[{"key":"Value","value":23,"unit":"°C","graphable":"true"}]}]}

empierre commented 6 years ago

oops not seen

empierre commented 6 years ago


I need the domoticz definition of the device from http://yourdomoticz:8080/json.htm?type=devices&filter=all&used=true&order=Name

endrju-pol commented 5 years ago

Hi @empierre , i have the same issue as @shaad234 , im pastin my output below. let me know what can be done to have LC13 devices (idx 2, idx4, idx6) integrated with imperihome. thanks

{ "ActTime" : 1549839737, "AstrTwilightEnd" : "18:40", "AstrTwilightStart" : "05:09", "CivTwilightEnd" : "17:24", "CivTwilightStart" : "06:25", "DayLength" : "09:52", "NautTwilightEnd" : "18:02", "NautTwilightStart" : "05:46", "ServerTime" : "2019-02-11 00:02:17", "SunAtSouth" : "11:05", "Sunrise" : "06:58", "Sunset" : "16:51", "app_version" : "4.9700", "result" : [ { "Data" : "On", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 0, "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 23:29:13", "Name" : "In", "PlanID" : "", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "Status" : "On", "Type" : "Scene", "TypeImg" : "scene", "UsedByCamera" : false, "XOffset" : 0, "YOffset" : 0, "idx" : "1" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 97, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "17.0", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : false, "ID" : "0000301", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 23:49:36", "Name" : "Termostat Salon", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SetPoint" : "17.0", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "SetPoint", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "Thermostat", "TypeImg" : "override_mini", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "2" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 99, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "22.0", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : false, "ID" : "0000401", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 23:55:55", "Name" : "Termostat Balkon", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SetPoint" : "22.0", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "SetPoint", "Timers" : "true", "Type" : "Thermostat", "TypeImg" : "override_mini", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "4" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 98, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "24.0", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : false, "ID" : "0000501", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 23:48:22", "Name" : "Termostat Sypialnia", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SetPoint" : "24.0", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "SetPoint", "Timers" : "true", "Type" : "Thermostat", "TypeImg" : "override_mini", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "6" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 97, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "Monday 22:48", "DayTime" : "0;22;48", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 0, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00000301", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-06 21:39:31", "Name" : "Termostat Zegar Salon", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Thermostat Clock", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "clock", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "1" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 99, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "Monday 23:42", "DayTime" : "0;23;42", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 0, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00000401", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-06 21:55:04", "Name" : "Termostat Zegar Balkon", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Thermostat Clock", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "clock", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "3" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 98, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "Monday 22:45", "DayTime" : "0;22;45", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 0, "HardwareID" : 2, "HardwareName" : "Aeon", "HardwareType" : "OpenZWave USB", "HardwareTypeVal" : 21, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00000501", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-06 21:43:36", "Name" : "Termostat Zegar Sypialnia", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Thermostat Clock", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "clock", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "5" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 255, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "62.877 Mbps", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 3, "HardwareName" : "Wirtualne", "HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)", "HardwareTypeVal" : 15, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00082007", "Image" : "Custom", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 22:05:39", "Name" : "Internet Download", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SensorType" : 1, "SensorUnit" : "Mbps", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Custom Sensor", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "Custom", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "7" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 255, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "4.21 Mbps", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 3, "HardwareName" : "Wirtualne", "HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)", "HardwareTypeVal" : 15, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00082008", "Image" : "Custom", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 22:05:39", "Name" : "Internet Upload", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SensorType" : 1, "SensorUnit" : "Mbps", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Custom Sensor", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "Custom", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "8" }, { "AddjMulti" : 1.0, "AddjMulti2" : 1.0, "AddjValue" : 0.0, "AddjValue2" : 0.0, "BatteryLevel" : 255, "CustomImage" : 0, "Data" : "3.84 ms", "Description" : "", "Favorite" : 1, "HardwareID" : 3, "HardwareName" : "Wirtualne", "HardwareType" : "Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only)", "HardwareTypeVal" : 15, "HaveTimeout" : true, "ID" : "00082009", "Image" : "Custom", "LastUpdate" : "2019-02-10 22:05:39", "Name" : "Internet Ping", "Notifications" : "false", "PlanID" : "0", "PlanIDs" : [ 0 ], "Protected" : false, "SensorType" : 1, "SensorUnit" : "ms", "ShowNotifications" : true, "SignalLevel" : "-", "SubType" : "Custom Sensor", "Timers" : "false", "Type" : "General", "TypeImg" : "Custom", "Unit" : 1, "Used" : 1, "XOffset" : "0", "YOffset" : "0", "idx" : "9" } ], "status" : "OK", "title" : "Devices" }