The installation of this plugin is straightforward, no compiling, etc.
%APPDATA%\Roaming\cura\[version number]\plugins
$HOME/Library/Application Support/cura/[version number]/plugins
$HOME/.local/share/cura/[version number]/plugins
into the Cura plugins folder you located in step 2. Attention: In the user based windows installation you have to copy the unzipped plugin directory into a parent directory with the same name. It looks like ...\cura\[version number]\plugins\MoonrakerConnection\MoonrakerConnection
.To configure your Moonraker 3D printer:
-> Printer
-> Manage Printers
.Connect Moonraker
or Save
.Upload to <Printername>
:)This is a requested feature to replace/remove special characters within the suggested filename (by Cura) before uploading it to Moonraker. The working principle is relatively simple: replacement by mapping characters 1:1 from "input" into "output" and deleting by putting the unwanted characters into "remove".
remove: "()"
"Simple Test v1.0 (ABS)" results into "Simple_Test_v1-0_ABS"
If you have devices configured for power control in Moonraker, you can configure them in the plug-in. For a single device, just enter that device's name from Moonraker config.
If you have more than one power device you wish to turn on, enter a comma-separated list, with the first device being the device that will be queried before attempting to turn anything on.
Target: One config device with an entry name of [power printer]
Setting value: "printer" (no quotes)
Action: Query "printer" device state, turn everything on if "printer" is off.
Target: Two devices, one with an entry name of "[power printer]", and another called "[power lights]"
Setting value: "printer, lights" (no quotes, whitespace will be ignored)
Action: Query "printer" device state, turn everything on if "printer" is off. "lights" device state will be ignored.