emybart415 / Deduper-ebart

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Part 1

Use this repo template to create your own Deduper repo - you should do all your work in your own repository. Please name it Deduper-<github-user-name>.

Write up a strategy for writing a Reference Based PCR Duplicate Removal tool. That is, given a sorted sam file of uniquely mapped reads, remove all PCR duplicates (retain only a single copy of each read). Develop a strategy that avoids loading everything into memory. You should not write any code for this portion of the assignment. Be sure to:

For this portion of the assignment, you should design your algorithm for single-end data, with 96 UMIs. UMI information will be in the QNAME, like so: NS500451:154:HWKTMBGXX:1:11101:15364:1139:GAACAGGT. Discard any UMIs with errors (or think about how you might error correct, if you're feeling ambitious).

Part 2

An important part of writing code is reviewing code - both your own and other's. In this portion of the assignment, you will be assigned 3 students' pseudocode algorithms to review. Be sure to evaluate the following points:

You can find your assigned reviewees on Canvas. You can find your fellow students' repositories at


Be sure to leave comments on their repositories by creating issues or by commenting on the pull request.

Part 3

Write your deduper function!

Given a SAM file of uniquely mapped reads, and a text file containing the known UMIs, remove all PCR duplicates (retain only a single copy of each read). Remember: