enanomapper / ontologies

The eNanoMapper ontology
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aluminium oxide nanoparticle #139

Closed vedina closed 6 years ago

vedina commented 6 years ago

missing in https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/ENM

strangely, in http://specs.enanomapper.net/oecd/ there is

aluminium oxide nanoparticles ENM_9000005 http://purl.enanomapper.org/onto/ENM_9000005

egonw commented 6 years ago

It exists indeed: https://github.com/enanomapper/ontologies/blob/3868c2ef8f0ef1df68384d53a58f42979294009e/internal/npo-ext.owl#L229-L235

It's not on BioPortal because there is a long overdue release :( BioPortal only shows the released version, not the development version.