enanomapper / ontologies

The eNanoMapper ontology
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ENM ontology typos #282

Closed vedina closed 3 years ago

vedina commented 3 years ago

http://purl.enanomapper.org/onto/ENM_8000110 - "valance band" - typo - "valence band"

ENM_8000102 - mullikens electronegativity xc - > Mulliken (capital letter) ; also what is "xc" ?

lwinckers commented 3 years ago

Fixed the typos. Do not know wat "xc" is either, so I let it in for now..

lwinckers commented 3 years ago

@JKChang2015 You have made the commit. Do you remember why there is "xc" in the Mullikens electronegativity class?

JKChang2015 commented 3 years ago

@laurent2207 FYI: NTUA hackathon modelling terms spreadsheet Version 2.0 ,


JKChang2015 commented 3 years ago

Deliverable 4.6

For the external validation example we used the following model http://test.jaqpot.org:8000/m_detail?name=gaj-10-lr, and the example dataset http://test.jaqpot.org:8000/data_detail?name=xbR5AMG1rOBc as the test set. The model has been built using the R linear regression algorithm http://test.jaqpot.org:8000/algorithm_detail?name=ocpu-lm on the training set suggested in Gajewicz et al. (10 of 18 published MeOX nanoparticles for predicting HaCaT toxicity, whilst the remaining instances were used as the test set). Two input variables were selected, namely Mullikens electronegativity Xc and Standard enthalpy of formation of metal oxide nanocluster DHcf, whilst the endpoint is described by logLC50. The produced report is provided in the following link: http://test.jaqpot.org:8000/report?name=q8HpVxGYDRFsQLp. The report can be downloaded as a PDF file.

lwinckers commented 3 years ago

Okay thanks for this explanation! Will leave the Xc in it (will change the X to be capital).