enanomapper / ontologies

The eNanoMapper ontology
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add PubMedCentral ID #300

Closed egonw closed 2 years ago

DeniseSl22 commented 2 years ago

Could you explain this issue in more detail please, @egonw ?

DeniseSl22 commented 2 years ago

@egonw , I checked for the "regular" pubmed ID, which is already included in the ontology. I will use this as an example to add the PubMed central ID (and maybe DOI should also be considered?). However, the regular PMID now falls under "chemical database identifiers", which I don't think it is strictly speaking; maybe we should consider adding a "literature database identifier" as a superclass (at the same level as chemical database identifier), so make the difference more clear (or would that overcomplicate matters?)
