enarx-archive / sallyport

API for the hypervisor-microkernel boundary
Apache License 2.0
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API for the hypervisor-microkernel boundary

sallyport is a protocol crate for proxying service requests (such as syscalls) from an Enarx Keep to the host. A sally port is a secure gateway through which a defending army might "sally forth" from the protection of their fortification.

Mechanism of action

sallyport works by providing the host with the most minimal register context it requires to perform the syscall on the Keep's behalf. In doing so, the host can immediately call the desired syscall without any additional logic required.

Guest and host side communicate via a mutually-distrusted shared block of memory.

This crate provides functionality for the guest to execute arbitary requests by proxying requests to the host via the untrusted block and corresponding functionality for the host to execute the requests contained within the untrusted block.

Block format

The sallyport block is a region of memory containing zero or more items. All items contain the following header:

The size parameter includes the full length of the item except the header value. The contents of the item are defined by the value of the kind parameter. An item with an unknown kind can be skipped since the length of the item is known from the size field. The recipient of an item with an unknown kind MUST NOT try to interpret or modify the contents of the item in any way.



An END item MUST have a size of 0. It has no contents and simply marks the end of items in the block. This communicates the end of the items list to the host. However, the guest MUST NOT rely on the presence of a terminator upon return to the guest.

System call

A SYSCALL item has the following contents:

GDB call

A GDBCALL item has the following contents:

Enarx call

A ENARXCALL item has the following contents:

The argument values may contain numeric values. However, all pointers MUST be translated to an offset from the beginning of the data section.


Here's an example of how the sallyport protocol might be used to proxy a syscall between the host and a protected virtual machine:

  1. The workload within the Keep makes a write syscall.
  2. The shim traps all syscalls, and notices this is a write syscall.
  3. The shim allocates space for an item header, syscall number, six arguments, two return values, as many bytes that the workload wants to write as fits in the block and an END item header.
  4. The shim writes the item header, argument values and copies the bytes that the workload wants to write onto the data region of the block. It is now accessible to the host.
  5. The shim writes to the allocated section. In the case of the write syscall, the shim:
    1. Writes the item header with item kind set to Syscall and size equal to 9 + count of allocated bytes to write (syscall number + arguments + return values + data length).
    2. Writes the request nmbr equal to the Linux integral value for SYS_write.
    3. Writes the syscall arguments and return values:
      1. arg0 = The file descriptor to write to.
      2. arg1 = The offset starting after the last return value where the bytes have been copied to.
      3. arg2 = The number of bytes that the write syscall should emit from the bytes pointed to in the second parameter.
      4. arg3 = [NULL]
      5. arg4 = [NULL]
      6. arg5 = [NULL]
      7. ret0 = -ENOSYS
      8. ret1 = 0
    4. Copies the bytes to write into the allocated section.
  6. The shim yields control to the untrusted host, in which host-side Enarx code realizes it must proxy a syscall.
  7. The host-side Enarx code can invoke the syscall immediately using the values in the block.
  8. Once the syscall is complete, the host-side Enarx code can update the syscall return value section write the syscall return code to it.
  9. The host-side Enarx code returns control to the shim.
  10. The shim examines the block and propagates any mutated data back to the protected address space. It may then return control to its workload.

License: Apache-2.0