end-4 / dots-hyprland

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Wierd Gnome stuff #111

Open xotakfr opened 7 months ago

xotakfr commented 7 months ago

2nd issue

image Bluetooth detection in gnome control center doesn't work, bluetooth in itself works, can connect using bluetoothctl in cli or Blueberry

On the screenshot, it says in french "No Bluetooth network found, plug-in the key(?) to use Bluetooth"

Except these, everything works well, AGS is dope, and thank you for the amazing dots you make !

end-4 commented 7 months ago

1. Theming issue

xotakfr commented 7 months ago

Here's the output of switchwall.sh

❯ ./switchwall.sh
./switchwall.sh: line 6: cd: /home/user/Pictures: No such file or directory
Sending /home/user/Images/anime-water.png to swww. Cursor pos: [640, 824]
[Gradience] ERROR: Failed to retrieve a list of presets.
    Exc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/user/.config/presets'
    At: /usr/bin/gradience-cli:286
No such key “gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme”

ags/scripts/color_generation via 🐍 v3.11.5 took 8s 
❯ undefined

Is there a way I can set that preference myself ?

Edit : Tried to set the theme using Gradiance itself, doesn't seem to work.

For the Bluetooth part, I also use EndeavourOS, bluetooth service is running (here's systemctl's output)

 bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-11-14 08:59:13 CET; 43min left
       Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 584 (bluetoothd)
     Status: "Running"
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 6935)
     Memory: 4.1M
        CPU: 1.329s
     CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
             └─584 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/aptx_ll_duplex_1
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/aptx_ll_duplex_0
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/faststream
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/faststream_duplex
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/opus_05
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/opus_05
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink/opus_05_duplex
nov. 14 08:59:30 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.62 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource/opus_05_duplex
nov. 14 08:00:09 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_E4_41_22_F7_09_10/sep2/fd0: fd(30) ready
nov. 14 08:03:16 ArchUSB bluetoothd[584]: src/profile.c:ext_io_disconnected() Unable to get io data for Hands-Free Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)

Installed gnome stuff from Endeavour installation option. And as I said, can connect with blueberry and bluetoothctl

end-4 commented 7 months ago
xotakfr commented 7 months ago

Here's the new output of switchwall.sh output :

ags/scripts/color_generation via 🐍 v3.11.5 
❯ ./switchwall.sh
./switchwall.sh: ligne 6 : cd: /home/user/Pictures: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
Sending /home/user/Images/22062019_0000.jpg to swww. Cursor pos: [628, 819]
[Gradience] INFO: Preset Material-blue-light applied successfully for Gtk 3 and Gtk 4 applications.
[Gradience] INFO: In order for changes to take full effect, you need to log out.
La clé « gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme » n’existe pas

ags/scripts/color_generation via 🐍 v3.11.5 took 10s 
❯ undefined

Noticed I already had a preset folder in .config. Deleted it and re-created it, but still nothing. Even after running, it's still empty, don't know if it's supposed to be

Ran gnome control center form terminal, complained about ModemManager, enabled it but still nothing. Guess i'll stick with Blueberry, works fine.

end-4 commented 7 months ago

Does the theming work? Do Gtk apps get an accent color from your wallpaper?

xotakfr commented 7 months ago

After a bit of testing, light theme works and have an accent color. There's also an accent color in dark mode but the major problem is the font not switching to white in Nautilus and Gnome control center. Also, when the app is not focused, the search box becomes gray (as seen on screenshot) image

Edit : the color scheme is being applied to ags too

vicantwin commented 7 months ago

After a bit of testing, light theme works and have an accent color. There's also an accent color in dark mode but the major problem is the font not switching to white in Nautilus and Gnome control center. Also, when the app is not focused, the search box becomes gray (as seen on screenshot)

Mind telling me your fix? I have the exact same problem

Bendz2012 commented 7 months ago

Mind telling me your fix? I have the exact same problem

Reinstalling gradience-git fixed it for me.

It looks like some applications think they are still in light mode, causing the dark font. My browser also starts in light mode. This might be caused by this error I'm getting when running the switchwall.sh script. No such key “gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme”

Also for me the preset is always called Material-blue-light. I don't know if this makes any difference, but I would expect it to be Material-blue-dark.

My full log:

Sending /home/benjamin/Pictures/wall_1.jpg to swww. Cursor pos: [341, 358]
[Gradience] INFO: Preset Material-blue-light applied successfully for Gtk 3 and Gtk 4 applications.
[Gradience] INFO: In order for changes to take full effect, you need to log out.
No such key “gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme”
end-4 commented 7 months ago

that Material-blue-light is just the name which doesn't really matter the No such key “gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme” is something I still haven't figured out

xotakfr commented 7 months ago

Reinstalling Gradience didn't fix it for me. Have cleaned build files and tried to change wall but it's the same. I just use it like it is.

end-4 commented 7 months ago

welp I realized i have the No such key “gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme” error too and it doesn't break stuff So i just removed the line that set that key

@loulou310 what happens if you run gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme adw-gtk3-dark ?

xotakfr commented 7 months ago

It's already on. I set it with Gnome Tweaks. Also I updated ags, hyprland and the dots/scripts to the latest version available, tried to change bg again, but no change. I also use Endeavour so I'd guess my system is haunted

end-4 commented 7 months ago

interesting conclusion there.

Sridou commented 6 months ago

Now, author updated wiki, and recommended to install illogical-impulse on top of endeavourOS-gnome. So I tried it and all color themes are in a proper manner. So there's that. Only downside is that now I have Gnome, KDE and Hyprland now in login sessions, I don't know why ill-imp installs kde but it was there in my previous install too.

end-4 commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure about Gnome since I always have it as a fallback in case Hyprland does an oopsie. But for KDE, it's the plasma-browser-integration package that caused the installation of other KDE components. If you don't need a fancy music widget that shows current time the media is playing, you can remove that along with KDE stuff.

Sridou commented 6 months ago

Oh my, I need a fancy music widget and don't mind being an extra entry in login session. Also, definitely nice to have Gnome as backup.

xotakfr commented 6 months ago

@Sridou endeavour-gnome is what I had, so that's not the problem here

Sridou commented 6 months ago

So, could someone whose theme is broken, test the following for checking the whole color themes muddle;

  1. build aylurs-gtk-shell [ags] directly from source here
  2. Latest git pull of illogical-impulse branch [19-12-2023]
  3. delete the following : /home/$USER/.config/ags and /home/$USER/.config/gtk-4.0 and /home/$USER/.config/gtk-3.0
  4. Copy the .config/ags from branch to user config 5a. logout / pkill ags && ags &
  5. Check Loupe and Nautilus
  6. If still not fixed, place the attached gtk-3.0-4.0.zip gtk-3.0 and gtk4.0 folders in their config location [$USER/.config]
  7. logout / pkill ags && ags &
  8. Opening Loupe [Gnome Image Viewer (GTK4)] and Nautilus
  9. Try switching the color themes >badapple / >dark / >light

This is because I did something with Gradience [Libadwaita theming tool] and somehow it had fixed the font color being black.

Also, the following error seems to point out something:

(process:92217): Adwaita-WARNING **: 22:03:03.648: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.

end-4 commented 6 months ago

That's interesting... I noticed that my gtk3/gtk4 folders are problematic so i removed it (it contained my file manager bookmarks). Not sure if it changes things in terms of theming though.

This is because I did something with Gradience [Libadwaita theming tool] and somehow it had fixed the font color being black.

It would be nice if you remember what random things you did lol. So others can test this.

Sridou commented 6 months ago

That's interesting... I noticed that my gtk3/gtk4 folders are problematic so i removed it (it contained my file manager bookmarks). Not sure if it changes things in terms of theming though.

This is because I did something with Gradience [Libadwaita theming tool] and somehow it had fixed the font color being black.

It would be nice if you remember what random things you did lol. So others can test this.

Yeah, I will try to replicate it. But I do remember I deleted your GTK folders from config and rebuilt it from Gradience because I read that Gnome Team doesn't want styling with CSS as it breaks many things in the same manner as this issue. Also, any insight on AdwStyleManager?

end-4 commented 6 months ago

not sure what AdwStyleManager is

xotakfr commented 6 months ago

Hey everyone, I've been distrohopping on my laptop a lot the past month, and I don't have that setup anymore. I'll try to use it again when I'll have some time, maybe on my desktop, we'll see. I'll let end choose what to do with the issue.

clsty commented 6 months ago

I installed nautilus and the dark theme (sweet theme) is working fine.

Maybe you guys need nwg-look or nwg-look-bin from AUR.

or try using the folder in my repo here (the script is NOT fully tested, use at your own risk): https://github.com/clsty/dots-hyprarch/tree/main/import-manually/themes

@end-4 Please feel free to grab anything you like in my variant, eg. the new installation script (I renamed it to setup.sh cuz install.sh is a bit long XD; also setup.sh -f do all things automatically without confirm, convenient for debugging I guess)

Sridou commented 6 months ago

Hmm. I looked into nwg-look and nwg-shell before. It's completely gtk-3 afaik, while Nautilus is gtk4 (libadwaita). I think that gtk4 config is the one that needs to be fixed. Deleting gtk 4 config is a good place to reset everything to normal.

esmith-Balon commented 6 months ago

Hey ! I had some trouble with that as well, I've checked the preset for gradience and it seems like nautilus is using a special sidebar not included in the preset. It works perfectly now adding this to gradience/preset.json:

    "sidebar_bg_color": "mix(@dialog_bg_color, @window_bg_color, 0.5)",
    "sidebar_fg_color":"{{ $onSecondaryContainer }}",
    "sidebar_border_color": "{{ $secondaryContainer }}",
    "sidebar_backdrop_color": "@sidebar_bg_color",

Just a warning I'm really not used to using github. Don't hesitate to tell me if it works !

end-4 commented 6 months ago

Hey ! I had some trouble with that as well, I've checked the preset for gradience and it seems like nautilus is using a special sidebar not included in the preset. It works perfectly now adding this to gradience/preset.json: ...

Ooh yes it does. While I can already modify these colors with the "custom_css" key, this is just cleaner Thanks

esmith-Balon commented 6 months ago

Also while I'm at it, I had the same problem with the bluetooth as well. I remember finding that it was a bug specific to gnome-control-center being used outside of gnome, but I won't be able to find the specific thread talking about it. Just on the top of my head it was clearly not a priority and it's an old bug, that can happen on some computers.

end-4 commented 6 months ago

hmm gnome control center doesn't work well with bluetooth and i switched to blueberry some time ago. right-clicking the bluetooth icon on the sidebar now launches blueberry