end-4 / dots-hyprland

Modern, feature-rich and accessible desktop configuration.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.06k stars 196 forks source link
ags dotfiles eww hyprland linux material-design osu pywal rice ricing unixporn wayland

【 end_4's Hyprland dotfiles 】

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• overview •

Notable features - **Overview widget**: shows open apps. Type to search/calculate/run - **AI Assisstant**: ChatGPT and Google Gemini - **Autogenerated colors** based on your wallpaper using [Material colors](https://m3.material.io/styles/color/the-color-system/key-colors-tones) - **Animations** that are natural and fluid - **Transparent installation**: every command is shown before it's run
Instructions - **Automatic**, but guided and transparent, installation for Arch(-based) Linux: ```bash bash <(curl -s "https://end-4.github.io/dots-hyprland-wiki/setup.sh") ``` - **Manual** installation, other distros and more: - See the [Wiki](https://end-4.github.io/dots-hyprland-wiki/en/i-i/01setup/) - (_Available in: English, Vietnamese, and Simplified Chinese. Translations are welcome._) - **Default keybinds**: Parts similar to Windows and GNOME. Hit Super+/ for a list.
Here's an image, just in case: ![image](https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/assets/97237370/4c3d27b4-9ac5-4e55-9cae-c5c1f497890f)
Software overview | Software | Purpose | | ------------- | ------------- | | [Hyprland](https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland) | The compositor (for noobs, you can just call it a window manager) | | [AGS](https://github.com/Aylur/ags) | A GTK widget system, responsible for the status bar, sidebars, etc. | | [Fuzzel](https://mark.stosberg.com/fuzzel-a-great-dmenu-and-rofi-altenrative-for-wayland/) | For clipboard and emoji picker | - For a more comprehensive list of dependencies, see [scriptdata/dependencies.conf](https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/blob/main/scriptdata/dependencies.conf)
Help improve these dotfiles! - Join the [discussions](https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/discussions) - If you'd like to suggest fixes or a new widget, feel free to [open an issue](https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/issues/new/choose)

• screenshots •

Main branch (illogical-impulse)

AI, on-screen indicators image

Fancy notifications, music controls, system, calendar image

Weeb powers


Easy window management



  • Only the above is maintained
  • Stuff below:
    • Currently, they do NOT work (see #99)
    • The pics are here mainly for your viewing pleasure
    • The files are still available, feel free to grab them from the archive branch if you're willing to see some spaghetti and troubleshoot


Material Eww!


Desktop Preview


click the circles!


Desktop Preview

• thank you •

• stonks •

Stargazers over time

• inspirations •