end-4 / dots-hyprland

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[Issue]Hyprland color generation bug and AGS critical error on css. #378

Closed Kalidude69 closed 3 months ago

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

Issue Report: AGS, CSS, and Color Generation Bugs


AGS (specific feature) isn't functioning properly, while the CSS is giving critical errors and causing the application to bug out. Additionally, the color generation feature isn't working as intended.

Bug Error Messages

Everything is up to date dotfiles had been updated and installed locally yesterday.


Thanks for your attention to this matter!

D3ja-vu commented 3 months ago

is this a gif ?

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

is this a gif ?

no its a png not only with this wallpaper every other wallpaper gives the same error.... be it jpeg png ......

Lormars commented 3 months ago

same here. Switch to dark mode would cause this error.

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

same here. Switch to dark mode would cause this error.

yes in any mode im facing the same issue currently for keeping it working i run the install script again to fix it but I cannot change wallpapers nor the gtk theme applies :(

end-4 commented 3 months ago

(com.github.Aylur.ags:20556): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 22:02:50.054: CSS ERROR: Invalid name of pseudo-class at line 8 in /home/deb/.cache/ags/user/generated/style.css Gtk.CssProviderError: style.css:9:5Invalid name of pseudo-class

then send that file

end-4 commented 3 months ago

i'm guessing color generation didn't work can you run ~/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/switchwall.sh in a terminal, proceed to pick a wallpaper normally then see if it logs something?

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

(com.github.Aylur.ags:20556): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 22:02:50.054: CSS ERROR: Invalid name of pseudo-class at line 8 in /home/deb/.cache/ags/user/generated/style.css Gtk.CssProviderError: style.css:9:5Invalid name of pseudo-class

then send that file

/* Error: Undefined variable.
 *    ,
 * 10 | @if $darkmode == True {
 *    |     ^^^^^^^^^
 *    '
 *   scss/_colors.scss 10:5  @import
 *   scss/main.scss 9:9      root stylesheet */

body::before {
  font-family: "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", Monaco, Inconsolata, "Fira Mono",
      "Droid Sans Mono", monospace, monospace;
  white-space: pre;
  display: block;
  padding: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  border-bottom: 2px solid black;
  content: "Error: Undefined variable.\a    \2577 \a 10 \2502  @if $darkmode == True {\a    \2502      ^^^^^^^^^\a    \2575 \a   scss/_colors.scss 10:5  @import\a   scss/main.scss 9:9      root stylesheet";
Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

i'm guessing color generation didn't work can you run ~/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/switchwall.sh in a terminal, proceed to pick a wallpaper normally then see if it logs something?

no it doesnt gives the same error which was adressed before :( .... again I got the hyprland colors.conf error and ags css bugs out....

end-4 commented 3 months ago

looks to me you modified the styles. did it work before you did that? also see if ~/.config/ags/scss/_material.scss contains $darkmode

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

looks to me you modified the styles. did it work before you did that? also see if ~/.config/ags/scss/_material.scss contains $darkmode

i didn't touch any file from .config dir

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

umm material.scss is empty ... randomly i just change wallpaper and from yesterday the error pops up.. i didn't edit any config file or scss file for ags...

end-4 commented 3 months ago

which means the color generation failed. that's why i told you to

run ~/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/switchwall.sh in a terminal, proceed to pick a wallpaper normally then see if it logs something?

do i have to explicitly tell you to send it? in case you don't know whether or not to, yes, send it

end-4 commented 3 months ago

and just in case, i mean send logs and not the script

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

which means the color generation failed. that's why i told you to

run ~/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/switchwall.sh in a terminal, proceed to pick a wallpaper normally then see if it logs something?

do i have to explicitly tell you to send it? in case you don't know whether or not to, yes, send it

oops sorry for that im sending it right now ....

   ~/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/switchwall.sh

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.052: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:95:30: '' is not a valid color name

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:95:44: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:96:46: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:97:41: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:98:47: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:99:49: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:100:44: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:105:41: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:106:43: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:107:47: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:108:49: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:109:42: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:110:44: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:112:60: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:113:62: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:116:45: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:117:55: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:119:55: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:120:57: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:121:56: Expected a valid selector

(yad:57777): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:43:29.053: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:122:58: Expected a valid selector
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/deb/.config/ags/scripts/color_generation/generate_colors_material.py", line 5, in <module>
    from materialyoucolor.quantize import QuantizeCelebi
ImportError: cannot import name 'QuantizeCelebi' from 'materialyoucolor.quantize' (unknown location)
Error: Undefined variable.
10 │ @if $darkmode == True {
   │     ^^^^^^^^^
  scss/_colors.scss 10:5  @import
  scss/main.scss 9:9      root stylesheet
end-4 commented 3 months ago

yay -S python-materialyoucolor-git

Kalidude69 commented 3 months ago

yay -S python-materialyoucolor-git

yes its installed ..... now what should I do thanks issue is fixed now