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[Issue] Latest config broke ags entirely #445

Open AdityaRoot opened 2 months ago

AdityaRoot commented 2 months ago

After updating, all ags components simply do not work or show up. I think it may be an issue with the update-ags script, as even trying an older commit's version of the config (a67bc5965af20757591fa1596c12f8985f347db9), it didn't work - despite the config working on the last pull ~24 hours ago.

I have tried doing (relatively) clean installs, rm -rf'ing the hypr and ags folder and going through the install script.

Click to expand Log from running pkill ags, ags ```plain Paste your log here (com.github.Aylur.ags:6083): Gjs-WARNING **: 17:24:20.835: JS ERROR: Gio.IOErrorEnum: Could not connect: No such file or directory socket@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js:7:6 _socketStream@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js:140:34 message@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js:151:43 Hyprland@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js:102:41 @resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/hyprland.js:321:25 _init/GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync/
end-4 commented 2 months ago

maybe because i forgot to update ags

end-4 commented 2 months ago


should be fine now

tenuuni commented 2 months ago


should be fine now

just installed illogical-impulse and AGS doesn't work even though i reinstalled it multiple times.

tenuuni commented 2 months ago

same old firstrun.txt not found and Error: There is no window named overview

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

completely new installation of arch, default configs, and the problem persists

full log: https://pastebin.com/vj1tMLbV

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

replacing the current config with an older one doesn't seem to help

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

is it possible that cleanbuild somehow messes up packages?

end-4 commented 2 months ago

same old firstrun.txt not found

???? if it isn't there it'll be created, wtf

AdityaRoot commented 2 months ago

same old firstrun.txt not found

???? if it isn't there it'll be created, wtf

To be fair, I don't think this is the root of the issue, upon updating again with the new config (as well as randomly sometimes with past broken configs in the last 24h ( i.e. most of the time I didn't, though sometimes I did)) I didn't receive this error.

Currently I get a large list of identical errors:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:47969): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 00:13:51.770: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked.
The offending signal was destroy on Ags_Box 0x5df993a152e0.
== Stack trace for context 0x5df991d5de40 ==
#0   5df991e25608 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266 (36fabf67c470 @ 139)

Alongside the regular errors mentioned by others (No window named overview, and TypeError: (intermediate value).getWindow(...) is undefined, and of course, AAAAAAAAAAAAAa), I think that last log is important in particular.

Also, not sure if this is relevant https://github.com/hyprland-community/pyprland/issues/94 since pyprland also broke today due to a change in hyprland, so as perhaps mentioned above - the cleanbuild could be the issue.

Detteee commented 2 months ago

same old firstrun.txt not found

???? if it isn't there it'll be created, wtf

To be fair, I don't think this is the root of the issue, upon updating again with the new config (as well as randomly sometimes with past broken configs in the last 24h ( i.e. most of the time I didn't, though sometimes I did)) I didn't receive this error.

Currently I get a large list of identical errors:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:47969): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 00:13:51.770: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked.
The offending signal was destroy on Ags_Box 0x5df993a152e0.
== Stack trace for context 0x5df991d5de40 ==
#0   5df991e25608 i   resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266 (36fabf67c470 @ 139)

Alongside the regular errors mentioned by others (No window named overview, and TypeError: (intermediate value).getWindow(...) is undefined, and of course, AAAAAAAAAAAAAa), I think that last log is important in particular.


Alvin-HZ commented 2 months ago

I fixed the No window named overview error after installing ags from the aur

clsty commented 2 months ago

is it possible that cleanbuild somehow messes up packages?

Not even possible, unless the latest version of the package itself is broken.

"cleanbuild" just means a total re-built and reinstall for a package.

clsty commented 2 months ago

./install.sh will not update AGS itself automatically for you to prevent redundant rebuild of AGS everytime you run it under -f flag, or answer n to execute automatically.

Otherwise ./install.sh will still ask you whether to install AGS for updating, but it seems that you didn't notice that.

You can also run ./update-ags.sh to update AGS itself.

clsty commented 2 months ago

I fixed the No window named overview error after installing ags from the aur

@Alvin-HZ AGS is under active development and often involves breaking changes, so we're doing a version controlling for AGS. To prevent something went wrong in future, please uninstall that AUR package, and instead, use ./update-ags.sh to install and update AGS itself.

end-4 commented 2 months ago


To be fair, I don't think this is the root of the issue, upon updating again with the new config (as well as randomly sometimes with past broken configs in the last 24h ( i.e. most of the time I didn't, though sometimes I did)) I didn't receive this error.

Currently I get a large list of identical errors:

... Alongside the regular errors mentioned by others (No window named overview, and TypeError: (intermediate value).getWindow(...) is undefined, and of course, AAAAAAAAAAAAAa), I think that last log is important in particular.

Also, not sure if this is relevant hyprland-community/pyprland#94 since pyprland also broke today due to a change in hyprland, so as perhaps mentioned above - the cleanbuild could be the issue.

TypeError: (intermediate value).getWindow(...) is undefined is the only thing that could prevent AGS from starting. Can you provide the full traceback of this one?

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

here it is:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:2817): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 10:19:18.278: Error: There is no window named overview getWindow@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/app.js:140:27 update@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:334:26 default/OverviewRow/setup/<@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:377:60 hook/<@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widgets/widget.js:43:25 _init/GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync/</<@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266:34

(com.github.Aylur.ags:2817): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 10:19:18.278: JS ERROR: TypeError: (intermediate value).getWindow(...) is undefined update@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:334:26 default/OverviewRow/setup/<@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:377:60 hook/<@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widgets/widget.js:43:25 _init/GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync/</<@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266:34

(these two errors are always thrown in pairs)

end-4 commented 2 months ago

weird, App is already included

end-4 commented 2 months ago

okay, try again

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

(com.github.Aylur.ags:1648): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 10:48:04.310: Error: There is no window named overview getWindow@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/app.js:140:27 update@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:334:26 default/OverviewRow/setup/<@file:///home/alllexey/.config/ags/modules/overview/overview_hyprland.js:377:60 hook/<@resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/widgets/widget.js:43:25 _init/GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync/</<@resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266:34

the second one is gone, but still not working

also, a lot of these were thrown after ~10 seconds:

(com.github.Aylur.ags:1648): Gjs-CRITICAL **: 10:48:13.893: Attempting to call back into JSAPI during the sweeping phase of GC. This is most likely caused by not destroying a Clutter actor or Gtk+ widget with ::destroy signals connected, but can also be caused by using the destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs. Because it would crash the application, it has been blocked and the JS callback not invoked. The offending signal was destroy on Ags_Label 0x5f8e71b5f4f0. == Stack trace for context 0x5f8e701a2bd0 ==

0 5f8e7026e308 i resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides/GLib.js:266 (2cd84617c470 @ 139)

it seems to me that the problem is not in the configs, but in the packages

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

also, installing dart-sass did not help

moetayuko commented 2 months ago

I fresh-installed and noticed that $HOME/.cache/ags/user/colormode.txt wasn't generated. As a result, const initSchemeIndex = calculateSchemeInitIndex(schemeOptionsArr, initScheme); is assigned [-1, -1], which is then passed to ConfigMulipleSelection as initIndex. Finally, optionsArr[initIndex[0]][initIndex[1]] failed to index and led to the error on L21 posted by @alllexey123:

completely new installation of arch, default configs, and the problem persists

full log: https://pastebin.com/vj1tMLbV

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

yes, you're right!

i used colormode.txt from working installation and that solved the problem.

the contents of my ~/.cache/ags/user/colormode.txt (if someone needs):


ctrl+super+R and it should work

AdityaRoot commented 2 months ago

yes, you're right!

i used colormode.txt from working installation and that solved the problem.

the contents of my ~/.cache/ags/user/colormode.txt (if someone needs):


ctrl+super+R and it should work

This works for me too. Though toggling transparency on the new 'toggles' menu on the sideright bar breaks ags again, not touching that menu means everything works as expected.

alllexey123 commented 2 months ago

I think this commit (447ec4295530771097f3db7fcb493788764478bc) broke something, because it's the only one in the last 5 days that has anything to do with colormode.txt

end-4 commented 2 months ago

Though toggling transparency on the new 'toggles' menu on the sideright bar breaks ags again, not touching that menu means everything works as expected.

Interesting, can reproduce. But I also just updated packages today, so idk which is the real cause

I think this commit (https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/commit/447ec4295530771097f3db7fcb493788764478bc) broke something, because it's the only one in the last 5 days that has anything to do with colormode.txt

That commit doesn't change interaction with that file, just the UI

end-4 commented 2 months ago

Actually, about the messed theme problem, as clsty pointed out in #428, a cleanbuild of python-materialyoucolor-git helps

colormode.txt is supposed to be generated, but the unsuccessful run of the color generation python script for caused it to not be there

mattvanharn commented 2 months ago

yes, you're right!

i used colormode.txt from working installation and that solved the problem.

the contents of my ~/.cache/ags/user/colormode.txt (if someone needs):


ctrl+super+R and it should work

recreating colormode.txt worked for me also

end-4 commented 2 months ago

Every color scheme except MONOCHROME works fine. Causes color generation error (colors.conf).

it was an oopsie fixed in https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland/commit/70cc63caf5d25ceb1fdae1143523ce3bbae9d8a6

ghost commented 2 months ago

Every color scheme except MONOCHROME works fine. Causes color generation error (colors.conf).

it was an oopsie fixed in 70cc63c

yes its working 👍

lVentus commented 1 month ago

I have the problem "No window named overview", but it only shows when starting ags. after that, it works fine, overview also works fine. weird

DhruvPotdar commented 1 month ago

The error shows up even when using the config_overviewOnly.js to start ags

$ ags -c ~/.config/ags/config_overviewOnly.js

(com.github.Aylur.ags:169210): Gjs-WARNING **: 00:08:13.699: JS ERROR: ReferenceError: userOptions is not defined

(com.github.Aylur.ags:169210): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 00:08:15.847: Error: There is no window named overview

(com.github.Aylur.ags:169210): Gjs-Console-CRITICAL **: 00:08:15.847: Error: There is no window named overview
end-4 commented 1 month ago

hmm right, now that the overview depends on the sidebar you can no longer have overview only easily