end-4 / dots-hyprland

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[Issue] Enable touch when typing #511

Closed cheyao closed 1 month ago

cheyao commented 1 month ago

I've tries several options: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad disable-while-typing false gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.touchpad send-events enabled Turning off disable while typing in gnome settings

But the mouse is still disabled. How can I enable it?

libinput list-devices output for the trackpad ```plain Device: bcm5974 Kernel: /dev/input/event15 Group: 6 Seat: seat0, default Size: 107x75mm Capabilities: pointer gesture Tap-to-click: disabled Tap-and-drag: enabled Tap drag lock: disabled Left-handed: disabled Nat.scrolling: enabled Middle emulation: disabled Calibration: n/a Scroll methods: *two-finger edge Click methods: button-areas *clickfinger Disable-w-typing: enabled Disable-w-trackpointing: enabled Accel profiles: flat *adaptive custom Rotation: n/a ```
Roverp1 commented 1 month ago

Are you using Hyprland? If you are, then it is

input {
  touchpad {
    disable_while_typing = false

in ~/.config/hypr/custom/general.conf, in case of this dotfiles.

cheyao commented 1 month ago

Ah thanks for the solution! Didn't know that hyprland also has this option.

end-4 commented 1 month ago

you can temporary toggle it on the sidebar btw image