end-4 / dots-hyprland

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[Issue] Xdg error when trying to launch kodi. #560

Open bpawnzZ opened 1 month ago

bpawnzZ commented 1 month ago

I am getting the following error when trying to run kodi. It is something related to this current setup. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. I am running mesa and intel graphics. Thank you. Please see error below

(base) λ ~/ kodi
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Unknown xdg_toplevel state flag 5
/usr/bin/kodi: line 215: 32008 Aborted                 (core dumped) ${KODI_BINARY} ${ENV_ARGS} $SAVED_ARGS
Crash report available at /home/amnesia/kodi_crashlog-20240530_001507.log

Errors in Kodi Log

2024-05-30 02:44:18.236 T:44909   error <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBu
s.Error.InvalidArgs - No such property “OnLowBattery”
2024-05-30 02:44:18.236 T:44909    info <general>: Selected UPower as PowerSyscall
2024-05-30 02:44:18.237 T:44909   error <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBu
s.Error.InvalidArgs - No such property “CanSuspend”
2024-05-30 02:44:18.237 T:44909   error <general>: DBus error: org.freedesktop.DBu
s.Error.InvalidArgs - No such property “CanHibernate”

I have upower installed so i don't know why I would be getting these errors. For some background I installed dots-hyprland on a fresh installed on the base python. No conda.. This is my 2nd time installing it because I thought i did something wrong because of having this issue with Kodi. So it is happening on my 2nd install/fresh install of arch linux. Can anyone help me sort through this?

With the exception of the above error everything is working perfectly.

end-4 commented 1 month ago
bpawnzZ commented 1 month ago
  • The heck are you talking about? Kodi, then installing my dots on "the base python"
  • My dotfiles do not provide a complete functioning system. If you can't use Arch (I can't either), don't use it, and use EndeavourOS instead.

I have used arch for YEARS and never once have had an issue running kodi or any other similar software. EVER. Including other hyprland setups. Currently have a brand new install on ZFS and was gonna give this project a go. The issue is related to Dots. I'm not new.

Hints why I'm asking about what the issue could be HERE. It is 100% related to the setup provided by this repo and was hoping someone could help me sort it out. Thanks for your condescending comment though

end-4 commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the "If you can't use Arch" part. You proved my assumption of only noobs reinstall their system for certain things wrong.

It is 100% related to the setup provided by this repo

If you think so, provide the relevant details. You gave me two logs, the first being an error thrown by Kodi and the second being its log messages of trying to use UPower and can't find a bunch of properties. You also gave a confusing description about Python and Conda.

I know for sure that my dotfiles don't change your DBus properties except AGS registering a bus and reading media properties. It also has nothing to do with Conda.

I'm not a Python, Conda, DBus, or Kodi expert.

Kodi worked for you before right? Was it on Hyprland or another environment?

clsty commented 1 month ago

Hold on and please chill.

I'm sorry to hear about your bad luck but you don't have to post confusing stuff at first place.

Also you should mention how do you install the Dots, like by running the install.sh script and whether you skipped some steps.

It is 100% related to the setup provided by this repo

It can't be 100% related unless you can prove it first. Unfortunately according to the what you have posted, it's insufficient to prove so.

To prove it 100%, the possibilities yet to be excluded:

Please work harder before you say anything like "100%".

P.S. I've searched on the Internet and it seems that the part of Kodi log you posted is normal, and UPower is not a problem.