end-4 / dots-hyprland

i hate minimalism so...
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.91k stars 266 forks source link

[Issue] -->online-setup<--: Command "./install.sh" has failed. #800

Open AkariH opened 2 weeks ago

AkariH commented 2 weeks ago

The issue

no error logs, do not know how to fix ```plain ❯ bash <(curl -s "https://end-4.github.io/dots-hyprland-wiki/setup.sh") /usr/bin/pacman -->online-setup<--: Downloading repo to /home/akari/.cache/dots-hyprland ... -->online-setup<--: Command "mkdir -p /home/akari/.cache/dots-hyprland" finished. -->online-setup<--: Command "cd /home/akari/.cache/dots-hyprland" finished. From https://github.com/end-4/dots-hyprland * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD Already up to date. -->online-setup<--: Command "git pull origin main" finished. -->online-setup<--: Downloaded. -->online-setup<--: Running "install.sh". [./install.sh]: Hi there! Before we start: This script 1. only works for ArchLinux and Arch-based distros. 2. does not handle system-level/hardware stuff like Nvidia drivers Please CONFIRM that you HAVE ALREADY BACKED UP "/home/akari/.config" and "/home/akari/.local/" folders! Enter capital "YES" (without quotes) to continue: yes Received "yes", aborting... -->online-setup<--: Command "./install.sh" has failed. You may need to resolve the problem manually BEFORE repeating this command. r = Repeat this command (DEFAULT) e = Exit now [R/e]: r OK, repeating... [./install.sh]: Hi there! Before we start: This script 1. only works for ArchLinux and Arch-based distros. 2. does not handle system-level/hardware stuff like Nvidia drivers Please CONFIRM that you HAVE ALREADY BACKED UP "/home/akari/.config" and "/home/akari/.local/" folders! Enter capital "YES" (without quotes) to continue: yes Received "yes", aborting... -->online-setup<--: Command "./install.sh" has failed. You may need to resolve the problem manually BEFORE repeating this command. r = Repeat this command (DEFAULT) e = Exit now [R/e]: e Alright, will exit. -->online-setup<--: Command "./install.sh" has failed. Exiting... ```
AkariH commented 2 weeks ago

install sucessfully after clone the git repo and run the install.sh from it.

Now I get a brown screen when I run Hyprland, and Super+/ does not work


end-4 commented 2 weeks ago

super+t to open a terminal run ags and show logs

end-4 commented 2 weeks ago

also ctrl+super+t to pick a wallpaper. this is required for status bar to be shown properly