enderneko / Cell

A World of Warcraft raid frame addon.
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[Feature] Layout Auto Switch by Raid size #124

Open Pingumania opened 1 month ago

Pingumania commented 1 month ago

This is a feature request to be able to automatically switch the layout depending on the size of the raid. Personally I like to set up my raid frames so that they always use the same amount of space regardless of the people in the raid. The only addons that support this that I know of are Grid2 and ElvUI. Would be cool if Cell had this feature too. Thanks.


lcrownover commented 2 weeks ago

Would love this feature. Using Vuhdo, I have profiles for [Healing 1-15, Healing 16-25, Healing 26-40] so I can keep the screen real estate the same, but have the bars smaller and smaller height depending on the number of players.

Maybe another option would be (though probably much harder to implement):

Set overall frame bounding box dimentions (won't grow beyond defined box), bar height (width too?) can be set to "flex", and have the ability to define a maximum height so smaller groups of players wont have like 400px high boxes.