enderneko / Cell

A World of Warcraft raid frame addon.
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lua world-of-warcraft world-of-warcraft-addon wow wow-addon


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Discord Curseforge Wago


Cell is a nice raid frame addon inspired by several great addons, such as CompactRaid, Grid2, Aptechka and VuhDo. With a more human-friendly interface, Cell can provide a better user experience, better than ever. Hope you enjoy.




Code Snippets

Try disabling all snippets if there are any issues.

Check https://github.com/enderneko/Cell/tree/master/.snippets for more snippets.


  1. Cell Options -> About -> Code Snippets
  2. New -> Paste -> Save -> Tick the AutoRun box
  3. Reload


Not supported and probably won't be included in the future


Slash Commands

Use /cell for more information.


Want to help improve Raid Debuffs?

Use Instance Spell Collector to collect debuffs. Then create a PR or submit a ticket on GitHub.



If you want to help with the localization, please visit https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/cell/localization, instead of creating a PR.


Guides & Sharing



Discord: https://discord.gg/9PSe3fKQGJ

简体中文介绍在这里: https://github.com/enderneko/Cell/blob/master/README_zhCN.md

NGA上的发布贴: https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=23488341