enderneko / Cell

A World of Warcraft raid frame addon.
99 stars 28 forks source link

触发型报错 好像是在跨阵营组队的时候就会触发 #30

Closed ChrnoChou closed 2 years ago

ChrnoChou commented 2 years ago

19x Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo-1.lua:173: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) [string "@Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo-1.lua"]:173: in function <Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo.lua:139> [string "@Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo-1.lua"]:187: in function <Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo.lua:181> [string "@Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo-1.lua"]:285: in function `?' [string "@Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo-1.lua"]:122: in function <Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo.lua:121>

Locals: unit = "raid33" guid = "Player-707-052F143E" specId = 0 role = nil (temporary) =

{ specRole = "RANGED" gender = "female" unit = "raid33" specIcon = 136186 name = "曾经个也高" specName = "毁灭" specId = 0 level = 60 race = "人类" realm = "白银之手" } (temporary) = nil (temporary) = 3 (temporary) = 3 (temporary) = "raid33" (temporary) = 3 (*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)" Print = defined @Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo.lua:22 UnitGUID = defined =[C]:-1 cache =
{ Player-804-051AA985 =
{ } Player-1938-07CDB391 =
{ } Player-877-0545C3F7 =
{ } Player-826-01C698DF =
{ } Player-886-05F66581 =
{ } Player-916-03A74C6A =
{ } Player-1933-025ABDFA =
{ } Player-1955-028A8228 =
{ } Player-736-04C0E9F8 =
{ } Player-877-05204A96 =
{ } Player-729-0623115B =
{ } Player-745-041916CB =
{ } Player-838-0261C784 =
{ } Player-714-065C9F42 =
{ } Player-891-025EDA92 =
{ } Player-816-0343EC53 =
{ } Player-916-0432885E =
{ } Player-1695-006E3A5F =
{ } Player-746-046506FA =
{ } Player-707-066C638F =
{ } Player-707-0666585F =
{ } Player-804-03B797F2 =
{ } Player-840-051B5DB4 =
{ } Player-838-05623F37 =
{ } Player-707-052F143E =
{ } Player-714-0677BA7F =
{ } Player-838-059706A7 =
{ } Player-1939-06E7564D =
{ } Player-723-060DBBF2 =
{ } Player-916-038B3E2E =
{ } Player-3751-06704A44 =
{ } Player-916-03A4A0C1 =
{ } Player-1939-07C8B529 =
{ } Player-940-0551E53B =
{ } Player-729-04041255 =
{ } Player-1485-04B1352B =
{ } } UnitIsUnit = defined =[C]:-1 GetSpecialization = defined =[C]:-1 GetSpecializationInfo = defined =[C]:-1 GetInspectSpecialization = defined =[C]:-1 UnitNameUnmodified = defined =[C]:-1 GetNormalizedRealmName = defined =[C]:-1 UnitLevel = defined =[C]:-1 UnitRace = defined =[C]:-1 genders =
{ 1 = "unknown" 2 = "male" 3 = "female" } UnitSex = defined =[C]:-1 specData =
{ 62 =
{ } 63 =
{ } 250 =
{ } 251 =
{ } 252 =
{ } 253 =
{ } 254 =
{ } 255 =
{ } 256 =
{ } 257 =
{ } 258 =
{ } 259 =
{ } 260 =
{ } 261 =
{ } 262 =
{ } 263 =
{ } 264 =
{ } 265 =
{ } 266 =
{ } 267 =
{ } 268 =
{ } 269 =
{ } 270 =
{ } 70 =
{ } 102 =
{ } 71 =
{ } 103 =
{ } 72 =
{ } 104 =
{ } 73 =
{ } 581 =
{ } 105 =
{ } 577 =
{ } 64 =
{ } 66 =
{ } 65 =
{ } } lib =
{ specData =
{ } cache =
{ } callbacks =
{ } specRoles =
{ } RegisterCallback = defined @ActionBarProfiles\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90 UnregisterCallback = defined @ActionBarProfiles\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153 queue =
{ } order =
{ } GetCachedInfo = defined @Cell\Libs\LibGroupInfo.lua:32 UnregisterAllCallbacks = defined @ActionBarProfiles\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174 } UPDATE_EVENT = "GroupInfo_Update"

enderneko commented 2 years ago

emmm,确实,我没试过跨阵营组队。 今晚我尝试修复下,感谢反馈!

ChrnoChou commented 2 years ago

感谢您的优秀插件才对 :-P

enderneko commented 2 years ago

前天改了下,不过忘记说了 (:зゝ∠) https://github.com/enderneko/Cell/blob/master/Libs/LibGroupInfo.lua 需要手动替换下 Cell/Libs/LibGroupInfo.lua 下个版本的发布时间大概在9.2.7更新之后