[Artistic License 2.0]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php
This plugin provides the ability for commenters on a blog to subscribe to notifications via email of any future comment posted to a blog post.
Add the following to the comment form (often this is thee "Comment Form" template in the "Template Modules" section):
<div id="comment-form-subscribe">
<label for="comment-subscribe">
<input type="checkbox" id="comment-subscribe" name="subscribe"
checked="checked" />
Receive email notification of further comments.
This code is typically inserted before or after the comment textarea.
To customize the email address comment notifications will be sent from, as well as the subject of comment notifications, navigate to the plugin settings area for the Comment Subscribe plugin in the System Plugin listing screen. From there, follow the instructions below each of the plugins options.
To customize the text of the email notification template, navigate to the System's Template Listing screen. A template called "Comment Notification to Subscribers" will be listing among your "Email Templates." Edit that template.
The template supports a number of different variables that you can use inside the template to customize the text of the email. They are:
Adding a variable to a template is done using the following syntax:
<$mt:var name="entry_title"$>
Please note: law requires that users be given the option to unsubscribe from
future notifications. Please ensure that the unsub_link
is always present in
your template.
To install this plugin follow the instructions found here: http://tinyurl.com/easy-plugin-install
This plugin is not an official release, and as such support for this plugin is not available.