enejb / bowen.today

Git repo behind bowen.today
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

Repo behind the website bowen.today

Thanks for stopping by.


/lib/next-ferry - library to get back ferry data. Ferry API

/lib/pages - Simple pages

/lib/simplehtmldom - PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser

API Returns

http://bowen.today/api/v1/ferry/vancouver-bowen \ http://bowen.today/api/v1/ferry/bowen-vancouver

You can also pass in a specific future date to get the schedule from the future. \ http://bowen.today/api/v1/ferry/bowen-vancouver/2021-02-22

Local development.

To start the server for local development

cd public
php -S localhost:8000
cmd+c to terminate

Then visit


Sass Basics.

The watch flag tells Sass to watch style.scss, and re-compile CSS each time you save your Sass.

Open this in a separete terminal window.

cd public
sass --watch style.scss style.css

Todo Version 0.1

Icons and colours from



Rename secrets.example.php to secrets.php

cp secrets.example.php secrets.php