energystorm51 / Multi-Threaded-Network-Server-for-Pattern-Analysis

A high-performance multi-threaded network server capable of managing incoming connections, processing text data, and analysing patterns within the data.
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multithreading operating-system



This project aims to create a high-performance multi-threaded network server capable of managing incoming connections, processing text data, and analysing patterns within the data.


I am using the Gutenberg Project ( to obtain large text files for this project.
Books are downloaded in plain text format (UTF-8) and saved for testing, e.g. 'Great Expectations', 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' and 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz'.

To send these text files to the program, I am utilising the netcat tool (nc). To install the package on Linux, run sudo apt-get install netcat.
Using netcat to transmit a text file to the server, the following command is used:
nc localhost <port> -i <delay> -q 0 < <filename>.txt

Multi-Threaded Network Server

To compile the source code, run:
gcc -O2 -Wall -pthread server.c -o <output file name>

To start the server, run:
./<output file name> -l <listening port> -p "<search pattern>"

Socket Programming

The server is written in C. It listens for incoming connections on the port specified in the command line prompt.
See for the socket implementation tutorial.

Server Logic

A new thread is created for each incoming client connection. This approach allows multiple clients to connect simultaneously.
In each thread, non-blocking reads are implemented from the sockets to efficiently receive and store data in a global shared list.

Global Shared List


The Shared List stores and links every line read across all threads, keeping track of the history of how data has arrived and been processed.
A pthread_mutex has been implemented to avoid race conditions across concurrent client threads when writing to the list.


  1. Managing multiple readers (for each incoming read or line, a new node is created and added to the shared list.)
  2. Keeping track of each book (a book head pointer is embedded in each thread data and a book_next pointer is added to each list node on the shared list. This ensures book lines in the correct order.)
  3. Printing a book (output each received book in the same order as the client connection was accepted and ensure contents match the client book.)

Multithreaded Frequency Analysis


After adding each line, the server checks if it contains a specified search pattern. If a match is found, the program will track the number of lines that contain the search pattern and update the next_frequent_search pointer to navigate these lines.

Race Conditions

  1. When accessing from the shared list, a pthread_mutex is utilized to ensure only one analysis thread is reading / one client thread is writing to the list at any given time.

  2. The pattern frequency analysis is handled by multiple concurrent threads that output the analysis results at regular incremental intervals, i.e. every 2 seconds (first thread), 4 seconds (second thread), and so on.
    If there are competing threads to print to the console, only the first analysis thread that started executing will have printing rights. This is established using:


The thread orders the book with the highest pattern occurrence frequency first and prints to the console in the following format:
{rank} --> Book: {book_title}, Pattern: "{search_pattern}", Frequency: {frequency_count}


  1. The server scales to over 10 concurrent client connections to ensure robustness.
  2. Server outputs each received book by traversing the list from the book's header via "book_next" pointer. Each line is written to the respective filename "book_xx.txt", where xx is the order at which the client connection was accepted. The contents of the output book is compared to the original book.

Authored by Jingyi Qiu