enewe101 / digidemo

digital democracy engine
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This covers installation of the digidemo webapp for development purposes on a debian-based system, like Ubuntu. For other cases, you'll need all the same dependencies, but you won't be able to install them using apt-get.

Part 0 -- get dependencies

  1. Install a bunch of stuff using apt-get. You can copy this single command to get all things, or you can apt-get install each package separately, or leave out the ones you know you already have.

    $ sudo apt-get install git mysql-server python-dev python-pip libmysqlclient-dev
  2. Install a bunch of stuff using pip. You can install all these separately, but if you already have a package, pip will just make sure it's up-to-date:

    $ sudo pip install MySQL-python Pillow Django==1.6.5 selenium pydenticon django-haystack==2.0.0 whoosh==2.4
  3. Get the code for this project. Let's say you keep your projects in the folder ~/my_projects/. Go there and do:

    $ git clone https://github.com/enewe101/digidemo.git

Part 1 -- wiring and config

  1. Set up a database and user that the digidemo webapp will use

    Head into mysql:

    $ mysql -u root
    $ mysql -u <username> -p

    If that didn't work, you probably need to start mysql server, and then try again:

    $ mysqld

    Make a user and table for the digidemo web app. When at the mysql prompt:

    mysql> CREATE DATABASE digidemo character set utf8;
    mysql> CREATE USER 'digidemo'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'devpass';
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON digidemo.* TO 'digidemo'@'localhost';
    mysql> GRANT ALL ON test_digidemo.* TO 'digidemo'@'localhost';

    Logout of mysql and try logging back in as digidemo user in the terminal ` to make sure its working.

  2. Copy some configuration files in place. Go to ~/my_projects/digidemo/src and do:

    $ cp settings.py.template settings.py
    $ cp wsgi.py.template wsgi.py

    Go into settings and find spots where #<># occurs. Make the changes to reflect the location where you put the digidemo code.

Part 2 --- fire up and test the app

  1. Get the digidemo app ready, then fire it up. Inside ~/my_projects/digidemo/src do:

    $ python manage.py syncdb
        (say `no` to creating a superuser)
    $ python manage.py collectstatic
        (say `yes` to copying files)
    $ ../data/load.sh
    $ python manage.py runserver`

    Then open a browser, and go to


    You should see the home page.

  2. Quickly run the tests to see if everything is all good. In ~/my_projects/digidemo/src, do:

    $ python manage.py test
  3. Congratulations, you're done!

Other stuff

updating haystack index:

    $ python manage.py rebuild_index
    $ python manage.py update_index

Notes about production server

There are some additional steps when installing the production server. Here are a few of them:

  1. Install mod_wsgi, and configure apache webserver to use it. Verify that you can serve a simple wsgi test application on localhost

    # apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

    see https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/

  2. Install the X Virtual frame buffer, Xvfb:

    apt-get install xvfb
  3. If you are installing for dev purposes, skip this step. Configure Apache and mod_wsgi to load the digidemo app.
    Make the apache config. You can base it off this file:

  4. To run tests on a headless server, start the virtual frame buffer:

    $ sudo Xvfb :10 -ac
    $ python manage.py test

    Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to run that in the background so, you'll need to ssh from another terminal to run the tests.