engcfraposo / nestjs-azure-service-bus

MIT License
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NestJS Azure Service Bus

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A dynamic module for NestJS that provides integration with Azure Service Bus.


npm install nestjs-azure-service-bus


The NestJS Azure Service Bus package allows you to easily integrate Azure Service Bus into your NestJS applications. It provides decorators for injecting Azure Service Bus senders and receivers, as well as a dynamic module for configuring the Azure Service Bus client.


AzureServiceBusModule - Importing the module

To use the Azure Service Bus module, import it into your NestJS application's root module:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureServiceBusModule } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

  imports: [
      connectionString: '<your-connection-string>',
export class AppModule {}

Replace <your-connection-string> with your Azure Service Bus connection string.

AzureServiceBusModule - Injecting Senders and Receivers

You can use the Sender and Receiver decorators provided by the module to inject Azure Service Bus senders and receivers into your classes:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Sender, Receiver } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

export class MyService {
    @Sender('my-queue') private readonly sender: ServiceBusSender,
    @Receiver('my-queue') private readonly receiver: ServiceBusReceiver,
  ) {}

  // Use the sender and receiver in your methods

Replace 'my-queue' with the name of your Azure Service Bus queue.

AzureServiceBusModule - Configuration Options

The forRoot method of the AzureServiceBusModule accepts a configuration object with two possible options:

You can provide either the connectionString or the fullyQualifiedNamespace, but not both.

AzureServiceBusModule - Dynamic Module Options

The forFeature method of the AzureServiceBusModule allows you to configure senders and receivers dynamically. It accepts an options object with two properties:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureServiceBusModule } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

  imports: [
      senders: ['queue-example'],
      receivers: ['queue-example'],
export class QueueModule {}

This will create senders and receivers for the specified queues.

import { ServiceBusSender } from '@azure/service-bus';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Sender } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

export class QueueSenderService {
    @Sender('test-queue') private readonly sender: ServiceBusSender,
  ) {}
  async sendMessage(body: string) {
    await this.sender.sendMessages({ body });
import { ServiceBusReceiver } from '@azure/service-bus';
import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Receiver } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

export class QueueReceiverService implements OnModuleInit {
    @Receiver('test-queue') private readonly receiver: ServiceBusReceiver,
  ) {}
  onModuleInit() {
      processMessage: async (message) => {
        console.log(`message.body: ${message.body}`);
      processError: async (args) => {
          `Error occurred with ${args.entityPath} within ${args.fullyQualifiedNamespace}: `,
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { QueueSenderService } from './queue-sender.service';
import { AzureServiceBusModule } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';
import { QueueReceiverService } from './queue-receiver.service';

  imports: [
      receivers: ['test-queue'],
      senders: ['test-queue'],
  providers: [QueueSenderService, QueueReceiverService],
  exports: [QueueSenderService],
export class QueueModule {}

for another method the ServiceBusReceiver and ServiceBusSender see the azure sdk

AzureServiceBusAdminModule - Importing the module

To use the Azure Service Bus Admin module, import it into your NestJS application's root module:

import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureServiceBusAdminModule } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

  imports: [
      connectionString: '<your-connection-string>',
export class AppModule {}

Replace <your-connection-string> with your Azure Service Bus connection string.

AzureServiceBusAdminModule - Injecting Admin decorator

You can use the Admin decorator provided by the module to inject Azure Service Bus admin client into your classes:

import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Admin } from 'nestjs-azure-service-bus';

export class MyService {
    @Admin() private readonly admin: ServiceBusAdministrationClient,
  ) {}

  async createQueue(queue: string){
    return this.admin.createQueue(queue)
  async createTopic(topic: string){
    return this.admin.createTopic(topic)
  async queueRuntimeProperties(queue: string){
    return this.admin.getQueueRuntimeProperties(queue)
  async deleteQueue(){
    await this.admin.deleteQueue(queue)

for another method the ServiceBusAdministrationClient see the azure sdk



This package is MIT licensed.