engelfa / TuK1-CPU

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Presentation Slides: https://bit.ly/2MLJlC2

Benchmark input parameters

Parameter Options Meaning Implemented
result_format 0,1,2 counter, position list, bitmask yes
run_count uint_64 number of column scans to determine average runtime yes
random_values 0,1 consecutive values, random yes
column_size uint_64 column size yes
selectivity double percentage of entries selected by scan yes
clear_cache 0,1 clear cache after each run yes
cache_size uint_64 size of cache yes
use_if 0,1 0 means use logical operation instead of branch yes
pcm_set uint_64 usage of performance counter set (0: cache, 1: other) yes
search_value uint_64 scan value no
distinct_values uint_64 number of distinct values in uniform distribution no
min_range uint_64 min value for search range in column no
max_range uint_64 max value for search range in column no

Benchmark output parameters

Parameter Meaning Implemented
result_format counter, position list, bitmask yes
run_count number of column scans to determine average runtime yes
random_values consecutive values, random yes
column_size column size yes
selectivity percentage of entries selected by scan yes
hits matching rows yes
duration nanoseconds per run yes
rows_per_sec scanned rows per second yes
gb_per_sec data scanned per second (gb) yes
l1_cache_misses yes
l2_cache_misses yes
l3_cache_misses yes
branch_mispredictions branch mispredictions yes
stalled_cycles CPU cycles stalled on any resource yes

Setup this repo

  mkdir build
  cd build
  PAPI=1 cmake ..  #  -G "Unix Makefiles" on Windows & Mac

Setup PAPI

Use stable 5.7 version since the High Level API somehow changed in 5.7.1. See: https://bitbucket.org/icl/papi/branches/compare/master%0Dstable-5.7#Lsrc/papi.hF1123

  git clone https://bitbucket.org/icl/papi.git -b stable-5.7
  cd papi/src
  sudo ./configure
  sudo make
  sudo make install
  # If you want to check what functionality works on your system
  make test

  # If you want to remove PAPI
   sudo rm /usr/local/lib/libpapi*
   sudo rm /usr/local/include/*papi*


For the online example using PAPI_flops, I've faced the following error:

  PAPI_flops.c    FAILED
  Line # 44
  Error in PAPI_flops: Component containing event is disabled


  sudo sh -c 'echo -1 >/proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid'


  PAPI=1 cmake ..
  # or:
  export PAPI=1  # $env:PAPI=0 on Windows