engrjislam / pub_sub_with_rabbitmq_and_mosquitto

Pub-Sub with RabbitMQ and Mosquitto
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Pub-Sub with RabbitMQ and Mosquitto Broker. These code were tested under python 3.10.6 (with setuptools 59.6.0 & pip 22.0.2).

Download Repository

git clone git@github.com:engrjislam/pub_sub_with_rabbitmq_and_mosquitto.git
cd pub_sub_with_rabbitmq_and_mosquitto

Python Virtual Environment Setup

This repository requires paho-mqtt (1.6.1) and pika (1.3.1). Let's install in python virtual environment.

python3 -m venv vPy3
source vPy3/bin/activate

pip install pika==1.3.1 paho-mqtt==1.6.1

Artificially Data Generation and Consume Those

Data Generation

Data can be generated either by broker/producer.py or pub/src/publish.py.

By producer

python broker/producer.py

By publisher

It is required to run eighter of producer/consumer at least once to bind topic/routing_key with the exchange brfore running follwing command.

python pub/src/publish.py

Data Consumption

Data can be consumed either by broker/consumer.py or pub/src/subscribe.py.

By consumer

python broker/consumer.py

By subscriber

Following approach will not grab data from a queue that were used to store data. So earlier data will be discarded (but they will be in the queue).

python sub/src/subscribe.py