engstrand-config / dtao-guile

A simple general-purpose statusbar for Wayland, configurable in Guile Scheme. Based on dtao and libguile
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dtao guile guix scheme wayland

=dtao-guile= supports the IPC protocol, which =dwl-guile= implements. This enables features like clickability for tags and more.

** Goal We wanted a hackable, simple status bar that we could configure in Guile. The project started out as a fork of [[https://github.com/djpohly/dtao][ =dtao= ]]but has diverged from creator djpohly's original concept.

** Installation


=dtao-guile= is still under development, so proceed with caution!


The best way to install and use =dtao-guile= is through our Guix channel [[https://github.com/engstrand-config/home-service-dtao-guile][home-service-dtao-guile]], which (as the name suggests) provides a [[https://guix.gnu.org/manual/devel/en/html_node/Home-Configuration.html][Guix Home]] service for =dtao-guile=.

** Running

As mentioned in the installation section, it's better to run =dtao-guile= via [[https://github.com/engstrand-config/home-service-dtao-guile][home-service-dtao-guile]]. However, you can still run the program easily on any Linux distribution.

=dtao-guile= expects a configuration file to be provided via the =-c= command-line option (See [[./example/config.scm][./example/config.scm]]).

+begin_src sh

dtao -c ./example/config.scm &


With the provided configuration in the [[./example][example folder]], the status bar will look like this.


** Dependencies