engstrand-config / home-service-dtao-guile

GNU Guix home service for the dtao statusbar with dynamic configuration in Guile Scheme
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link
dtao dwl dwl-guile guile guix guix-home guixhome home-service wayland


=dtao-guile= is still under development, so proceed with caution!


** Features This Guix Home service will:

** Guix channel We provide =home-service-dtao-guile= in a Guix channel.

Add the channel to your =~/.config/guix/channels.scm=:

+begin_src scheme

(channel (name 'home-service-dtao-guile) (url "https://github.com/engstrand-config/home-service-dtao-guile") (branch "main") (introduction (make-channel-introduction "64d0b70c547095ddc840dd07424b9a46ccc2e64e" (openpgp-fingerprint "C9BE B8A0 4458 FDDF 1268 1B39 029D 8EB7 7E18 D68C"))))


Afterwards, run =guix pull=.

** Usage

*** Home service configuration Enable =home-service-dtao-guile= by adding it to your list of home services.

+begin_src scheme

;; Import the service (use-modules (dtao-guile home-service))

;; Create and add the dtao-guile home service to your home configuration. (service home-dtao-guile-service-type (home-dtao-guile-configuration ;; Optionally use a custom dtao-guile package. (package my-custom-dtao-guile) ;; Start dtao-guile on login, defaults to true. (auto-start? #t) ;; Create a custom configuration for dtao. (config (dtao-config ...))))


*** Shepherd service A Shepherd service wil be added after you have enabled the dtao-guile home service and reconfigured the system. This allows you to control the =dtao-guile= executable with the =herd= command, for example:


herd start dtao-guile herd stop dtao-guile herd restart dtao-guile


Logs are available at =$XDG_LOG_HOME/dtao-guile.log= (logs will be saved to your home directory if =$XDG_LOG_HOME= is not set).

*** Configuring =dtao-guile=

All configuration is done in the =dtao-config= record of the =config= field of the home service configuration.

+begin_src scheme

(dtao-config ;; A font string in fcft format. (font "monospace:style=bold:size=12") ;; Read root',border' and `text' colors from dwl-guile. (use-dwl-guile-colorscheme? #t) (background-color "111111AA") (border-color "333333FF") (foreground-color "FFFFFFFF") (padding-left 8) (padding-right 8) (padding-top 2) (padding-bottom 2) ;; Request an exclusive zone for the bar to prevent overlapping. (exclusive? #t) ;; Layer to render the bar in (LAYER-TOP, LAYER-BOTTOM, LAYER-OVERLAY, LAYER-BACKGROUND). (layer 'LAYER-BOTTOM) ;; Render the bar at the bottom of the screen. (bottom? #f) ;; Height of the bar in pixels. Set to #f for automatic height based on font size. (height #f) ;; Delimiter string of arbitrary length inserted between blocks. (delimiter #f) ;; Additional spacing on each side of the delimiter string. (block-spacing 0) (left-blocks '()) (center-blocks '()) (right-blocks '()) ;; List of Guile module dependencies needed to run your blocks. (modules '()))


*** Defining blocks

Status bar blocks are defined through =dtao-block= records with the following structure:

+begin_src scheme

(dtao-block (render (...)) (click(...)) ;; Signal (RTMIN to RTMAX) to trigger a re-render. (signal #f) ;; Listen for dwl-guile events like updated title, tag layout etc. upon which to instantly re-rerender the block. (events? #f) ;; Update interval time in seconds. The block will not update automatically if the interval <= 0. (interval 0))


For example, a block that shows the date and time, that is updated every second:

+begin_src scheme

(dtao-block (interval 1) (render `(strftime "%A, %d %b (w.%V) %T" (localtime (current-time)))))


*** =dwl= integration

=dtao-guile= has Guile bindings for capturing =dwl= state and events, such as retrieving the title of the currently selected client:

+begin_src scheme

(dtao-block (events? #t) ;; Must be enabled to correctly re-render upon event/state change (render `(dtao:title)))


The following snippet defines the behavior and colors of the tag and layout indicators in =dwl=:

+begin_src scheme

(define %tags-and-layout (append (map (lambda (tag) (let ((str (string-append "^p(8)" (number->string tag) "^p(8)")) (index (- tag 1))) (dtao-block (interval 0) (events? #t) (click (match button (0 (dtao:view ,index)))) (render(cond ((dtao:selected-tag? ,index) ,(string-append "^bg(#ffcc00)^fg(#191919)" str "^fg()^bg()")) ((dtao:urgent-tag? ,index) ,(string-append "^bg(#ff0000)^fg(#ffffff)" str "^fg()^bg()")) ((dtao:active-tag? ,index) ,(string-append "^bg(#323232)^fg(#ffffff)" str "^fg()^bg()")) (else ,str)))))) (iota 9 1)) (list (dtao-block (events? #t) (click (dtao:next-layout)) (render(string-append "^p(4)" (dtao:get-layout)))))))


As the =(lambda (tag) ...)= and =(iota 9 1)= expressions suggest, there are 9 tags in the bar, each with an individual =dtao-block= record.

In the picture below (rendered by the above code snippet), tag 1 is the currently selected tag, so =dtao:selected-tag?= equals =#t= for its block. Tag 2 has one or more active clients assigned to it, which means that =dtao:active-tag?= equals =#t=. Tags 3 to 9 are not selected and have no windows assigned to them. The current layout --- shown as =[]== --- is the default =dwl= tiling layout.

+NAME: fig:tags-layout

+CAPTION: =dwl= tags and layout indicators in the =dtao-guile= statusbar.


*** C bindings All =libguile= bindings in the =dtao-guile= C source (i.e. the =dtao:...= procedures) are available [[https://github.com/engstrand-config/dtao-guile/blob/a1b2baefa8542e018787009ddb0254fdcfb9d413/dscm-bindings.h#L173-L216][here]].

** Example configuration You can find a working example in [[https://github.com/engstrand-config/guix-dotfiles/blob/main/engstrand/features/statusbar.scm][our GNU Guix configuration]], in the [[https://github.com/engstrand-config/guix-dotfiles/blob/main/engstrand/features/statusbar.scm][ =engstrand/features/statusbar.scm= ]] file.