enjoy-digital / litex_xtrx

XTRX LiteX/LitePCIe based alternative Gateware/Software.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
0 stars 0 forks source link
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                  XTRX LiteX/LitePCIe based alternative FPGA design
                      Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Enjoy-Digital.
                      Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Julia Computing.

[> Intro

This project aims to recreate a FPGA design for the XTRX board with LiteX/LitePCIe:

[> Getting started

[> Installing LiteX:

LiteX can be installed by following the installation instructions from the LiteX Wiki: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/wiki/Installation

[> Installing the RISC-V toolchain for the Soft-CPU:

To get and install a RISC-V toolchain, please install it manually of follow the LiteX's wiki: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/wiki/Installation:

./litex_setup.py --gcc=riscv

[> Clone repository:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex_xtrx

[> Software Prerequisites

apt install gnuradio gnuradio-dev soapysdr-tools libsoapysdr0.8 libsoapysdr-dev libgnuradio-soapy3.10.1

[> Build and Test the design

[> Build and Flash the design

Build the design and flash it to the board:

./litex_xtrx.py --build --flash [--driver]

[> Check Board Presence

Reboot or Rescan PCIe Bus (Optional):

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:0X\:00.0/remove (replace X with actual value)
echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/rescan

0X:00.0 Memory controller: Xilinx Corporation Device 7022 should then be seen with lspci.

[> Build and load Linux Kernel Module

Build the Linux kernel and load it:

cd software/kernel
sudo ./init.sh

[> Test Firmware

The firmware is automatically integrated in the SoC during the build and can be executed with:

sudo litex_term /dev/ttyLXU0

For development, firmware can be recompiled and reloaded with:

cd firmware
sudo litex_term /dev/ttyLXU0 --kernel=firmware.bin --safe

[> Install LMS7002MNG Driver (extracted from LimeSuiteNG)

cd software/lms7002mNG
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install

[> Install SoapySDR Driver

cd software/soapysdr-xtrx
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

Test driver with:

SoapySDRUtil --info

It must contains:

And following commands should display similar results:

SoapySDRUtil --find="driver=LiteXXTRX"
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Found device 0
  driver = LiteXXTRX
  identification = LiteX SoC on Fairwaves XTRX 300a43e-dirty 2024-03-12 09:19:59
  path = /dev/litepcie0
  serial = 13245867a084854

[> Use Apps

[> PCIe Rescan

echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000\:0x\:00.0/remove (get x with lspci)
echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/rescan

#### [> LitePCIe Utils


./litepcie_util info
[> FPGA/SoC Information:
FPGA Identifier:  LiteX SoC on Fairwaves XTRX 300a43e-dirty 2024-03-12 11:15:36.
FPGA DNA:         0x013245867a084854
FPGA Temperature: 71.4 °C
FPGA VCC-INT:     0.91 V
FPGA VCC-AUX:     1.77 V
FPGA VCC-BRAM:    0.91 V

DMA test

./litepcie_util dma_test
[> DMA loopback test:
          7.01        2689            2561       128         0
          6.86        5345            5217       128         0
          6.84        7969            7841       128         0
          6.84       10593           10465       128         0
          6.84       13216           13088       128         0
          6.84       15840           15712       128         0
          6.86       18496           18368       128         0
          6.84       21120           20992       128         0
          6.84       23744           23616       128         0
          6.86       26400           26272       128         0

[> LiteScope


litex_server --jtag --jtag-config=openocd_xc7_ft232.cfg

[> GNU Radio

Directory app/gnuradio provides some examples to test/use XTRX with soapysdr module: see gnuradio/README.md

[> Contact

E-mail: florent@enjoy-digital.fr