enlite-ai / maze-l2rpn-2022-submission

Contains the code of the 1st place submission to the 2022 Learning 2 Run a Power Network (L2RPN) Network Competition.
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Maze-RL L2RPN - WCCI 2022 Submission

This repository contains the code for running enliteAI's 1st place submission to the Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) - Energies of the Future and Carbon Neutrality Reinforcement Learning (RL) competition.

For details about our agent as well as background information about grid topology optimization in general we invite you to check out our paper

Power Grid Congestion Management via Topology Optimization with AlphaZero.\ Matthias Dorfer∗, Anton R. Fuxjäger∗, Kristian Kozak∗, Patrick M. Blies and Marcel Wasserer.\ RL4RealLife Workshop in the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2022).\ (*equal contribution)

Note that our submission goes beyond the agent described and evaluated in the paper with respect to grid specific enhancements such as contingency analysis.


Running our Submission

To test our submission just follow the steps listed below.

1. Download and Extract the Getting Started Kit

You can download it from here.

2. Download and Extract the Model Data

You can download model weights and parameters from here.

Next, copy the content of this archive into the directory submission/experiment_data.

├── experiment_data
│   ├── .hydra
│   ├── redispatching_CA_KNN 
│   ├── obs_norm_statistics.pkl
│   └── ...

3. Check our Submission

To check our submission on the 52 chronics of the local validation set run the following docker command (this should take approximately one hour depending on your machine):

docker run -it \
-v <absolute local dir to the extracted starting kit>:/starting_kit \
-v <absolute local dir to this repo>:/submission \
-w /starting_kit bdonnot/l2rpn:wcci.2022.1 \
python check_your_submission.py --model_dir /submission/submission

4. Inspect Results

Once complete the agent should achieve the following score:

      0             1
0     score     70.332381
1  duration   3009.441725

You can also find more detailed results in this directory:

<absolute local dir to the extracted starting kit>/utils/last_submission_results/


Web Demo - AI Assistant Power Grid Control

The figure below shows the workflow of our real-time remedial action recommendation assistant demo as a concrete example for human-in-the-loop decision making.


The central design principle of our AI assistant is to support and enhance human decision making by recommending viable action scenarios along with augmenting information explaining how these recommendations will most likely turn out in the productive system. The final decision is left to the human operator to preserve human control.

Further Resources

About the RL Framework Maze


Maze is an application-oriented deep reinforcement learning (RL) framework, addressing real-world decision problems. Our vision is to cover the complete development life-cycle of RL applications, ranging from simulation engineering to agent development, training and deployment.

If you encounter a bug, miss a feature or have a question that the documentation doesn't answer: We are happy to assist you! Report an issue or start a discussion on GitHub or StackOverflow.