enonic / app-gitpull

Application that pulls git repositories to server.
Apache License 2.0
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GitPull for Enonic XP

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This Enonic XP application pulls changes from multiple configured git repositories. It also exposes an endpoint that can be triggered to pull on demand.


To configure this application, just place a file named com.enonic.app.gitpull.cfg inside one of your configuration directories. This file holds a set of repositories to pull from. Every set is named and the keys are described as follows:



Here's an example:

# Repo one
prod.url = https://some/git/url
prod.user = username
prod.password = password
prod.dir = ${xp.home}/config/prod
prod.timeout = 60
prod.ref = refs/heads/master

# Repo two
gitProd.url = ssh://git@github.com:agituser/agitrepo.git 
gitProd.dir = ${xp.home}/config/gitProd
gitProd.timeout = 60
gitProd.ref = develop
gitProd.keyPath = ${xp.home}/config/ssh/id_rsa
gitProd.strictHostKeyChecking = false

Using SSH-Keys

The jgit is a bit particular on the format of the key, so use the -m PEM-switch to generate keys if having trouble with private key not accepted, e.g

ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 256 -m PEM

Note: RSA keys with SHA1 signature that are created after Nov 2021 are not allowed by Github.

To allow ssh to a repo, add host to ~/.ssh/known_hosts, or optionally specify the strictHostKeyChecking=false option on a connection


Every time the app is triggered, all configured repos will be pulled. There are three ways to trigger the app: