enonic / doc-starter-react4xp

Documentation for the starter-react4xp project
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Beta: 0.2.2

React4xp starter with examples, for Enonic XP7.0.

This starter imports a library and a few companion NPM packages, that transpiles and serves JSX-format React components from Enonic XP 7.

Includes build setup and some example parts that can be added and viewed in Content Studio, showing React components in different setups that get props from XP data. A standalone HTML example is also included in src/main/resources/webapp/webapp.es6.

Meant to demonstrate how to use React with XP, as well as help you kickstart a React4xp project of your own!


First, follow the setup description for Enonic XP 7.0. Download this starter from Enonic Market or Github.


> enonic project deploy

The examples

Once you have it installed, you can run XP. Two standalone HTML examples are ready to see out of the box - open the Application Admin tool in XP, mark React4xp Example Starter and scroll down to the link below Web App. There, you should see a link, something like localhost:8080/app/com.enonic.app.react4xp depending on your setup.

For using the component examples in this starter, open Content Studio. Create a website, and connect it to the React4xp app. Select the default page controller. Now you can edit the site item, and drag the four parts into the page below the static header. They don't look like much, but should provide usable code examples of how to hook up any part with any react component.

Versions and compatibility:

Recent updates, versions 0.1.1 and 0.2.1, fixed a bug: the starter now builds in windows. If you're a windows user, 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 might be painful.

Version / tag Minimum XP version Notes
0.2.2 7.0.0 Build structure
0.2.1 7.0.0-RC1 Windows support
0.2.0 7.0.0-RC1 Not windows
0.1.2 6.15.0 Build structure
0.1.1 6.15.0 Windows support
0.1.0 6.15.0 Not windows

Future development

This is a first-release beta. We will keep working on this intensely, but feel free to try it out for yourself.

Feedback, suggestions, uncovered use cases, problems, or stories of ensuing hilarity are very much welcome - it will hugely help us build great React support in XP!

Issues and known bugs

Priority improvements

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