enricmartos / learn-and-fun

RESTful web app dedicated to teachers and students that want to share a common educational platform.
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bootstrap css express jade mongodb nodejs



LearnAndFun is a web application where teachers can upload their lessons and students are able to learn from them. Lessons are structured in several subjects and students can solve the tests that teachers have previously designed. All the scores of a given lesson belong to a common ranking, so students can check their particular progress. The video demo below shows its basic funcionality.

<img src="https://github.com/enricmartos/LearnAndFun/blob/master/app/public/imagenes/admin_img/Thumbnail.png" width="600" height="350" border="10"/>

The project uses MVC as design pattern and its arquitecture is API Rest based. NodeJS and MongoDB configure the backend side, while Bootstrap is the main framework used on frontend side. So, the programming languages involved here are Javascript, CSS and HTML.





Dependency management tool


Build setup

With Docker

$ docker-compose up

This command creates the two docker containers detailed below:

- _learn_and_fun_app_1_: Main container of the NodeJS application

- _learn_and_fun_mongo_1_: DB container

- Open your browser and test the application on *localhost:3000*

### Without Docker

- NodeJS and MongoDB must be already installed in your machine.

run MongoDB


install dependencies

npm install

start server

node app

- Open your browser and test the application on *localhost:3000*