enridaga / gapvis

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hestia migration: what do we do about token correction #30

Open atomrab opened 10 years ago

atomrab commented 10 years ago

@enridaga @ekansa: I found it really useful to have Eric's token-correction page, and I think there's more work to be done here (for example, to associate Olbia with elliptical spatial phrases like "city of the Borysthenites": http://gap2.alexandriaarchive.org/report/token-issues/117172). I can see that the Pleiades associations I updated are reflected in Enrico's version, which will be the one that moves to the production server. Is there a way to preserve the token-correction interface that Eric built, so that I can continue to use that? Right now the call-out for a site in Enrico's version takes the user directly to Eric's token page, but presumably we either want this behind a login or we want to kill the issue-reporting button and just maintain Eric's correction page (as long as it's feeding corrections back into the main tokenized text).

I'm going to cross-post this issue in Eric's repo as well. I don't understand the dynamics well enough to know how hard or how easy this is -- and if I haven't explained it well, please don't hesitate to ask for clarification.

enridaga commented 10 years ago

In principle, when we move the interface, the backend data will still be at the same database, so editing the data from the same interface will have the same effect. Not sure I have understood the rest. I see the issue reporting button meant for any user to report a problem, while the correction page is for trusted users to make changes in the database. It depends on who are the future users.

atomrab commented 10 years ago

Good to hear that the editing will work in the same manner.

As for the rest, we're on the same page. But clicking on the "report an issue" button right now -- I think -- takes any user to the token-correction page (I'm not logged in, and that's what I see right away). I think Eric killed the original "any user" reporting page link and replaced it with a direct connection to the correction page. So I assume that the report-only page will have to be reinstated (and send a report somewhere where a Hestia person will see it?), while the correction page gets put under a user login for trusted people like me. I don't know if the Open U group are anticipating user management through the website. It might make sense to ask Elton and Leif about this.

enridaga commented 10 years ago

Not sure what action to take with respect to this. At the moment I can only see the report a problem link on the page details view not working at all. It cannot link to the page place token correction page, because it is a different thing. I think I will disable it. Then if there is a useful link we can use (using the place ID) then we add it back. Will work on this on #31

atomrab commented 10 years ago

@enridaga @ekansa Hey, guys -- since the Open University has now taken the site live here (http://www2.open.ac.uk/openlearn/hestia), I wanted to put an extra marker of urgency on this issue. Right now each place token still provides a direct link to Eric's token-correction interface -- which means ANY user is going to be able to go right there and change stuff randomly. I think we should either put this under a login or disable the link entirely, and I'll do any correcting I have to do manually in Eric's interface. It adds a step for me, but prevents what Elton et al. are hoping will eventually be a very large user base from breaking things. Enrico, I think you already proposed to disable this; if we're not talking about the same thing, please let me know, and I'll try to explain better, with links (I don't think that the report-a-problem link is only working for me because of local caching).

It may also be worth mentioning that the latest Pleiades API update I made -- to Sardis -- has NOT cascaded into the OU implementation, even after 24 hours. The coordinate change is reflected in the token-correction page, but not the interface.