enridaga / gapvis

A visual interface for reading ancient texts for the Google Ancient Places project
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GapVis is part of the Google Ancient Places project. You can read more about some of the technical considerations and the design process here:

Comments and questions welcomed at nick (at) nickrabinowitz (dot) com.

Use it

API specification

This section describes what a data provider must implement to use GapVis as visualization tool.


List of available books, with core metadata:

        "title":"Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography",
        "title":"The Works of Cornelius Tacitus: The History",
        "author":"Cornelius Tacitus","printed":"1805"
    }, ...

See also: http://gap.alexandriaarchive.org/books/.json


Book info, with metadata and a list of pages with place refs and a list of places appearing here, with core data only:

    "title":"Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography",
            "places": [148142,157894,197448,216904,246539, ... ]
        }, ...
        }, ...
            "lang": "grc",
            "label": "Ancient Greek"

The "texts" attribute is optional. Use it to declare there are alternative texts in addition to the default (see next section).

See also: http://gap.alexandriaarchive.org/books/1.json


Page info, including text - id either number or other id scheme (note the syntax for marking place references in the HTML text). It is also possible to provide additional texts using the "text@lang" attribute name:

    "text":" IASPIS. <span class=\"place\" data-place-id=\"216846\" >IATRUS<\/span>. 5 coast of Pantos, 130 stadia to the north-east of IV letnoninm; it is the most projecting cape on that roan, and forms the terminating point of the chain of Mount Paryadres. It was believed to have re- wired its name from the fact that Jason had landed there. (Strab. xii. p. M8; Arrian, Peripl. p. 17; Anonym. Peripl. p. 11; Ptol. v. 6.  4; Xenoph. A nab. vi. 2.  1, who calls it'Iwrovia S  t?'j.) It still bears the name Jasoon, [...] A second town of the name of Iassus existed in <span class=\"place\" data-place-id=\"628949\" >Cappadocia<\/span> or <span class=\"place\" data-place-id=\"628936\" >Armenia<\/span> <span class=\"place\" data-place-id=\"628936\" >Minor<\/span> [...] ",
    "text@grc":"(Greek version here)",

See also: http://gap.alexandriaarchive.org/books/1/page/1.json


Info about books containing references to the place:

        "title":"History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman empire for the use of families and young persons, Volume I”,
        "authors":"Edward Gibbon, Thomas Bowdler”,
        "created":"0000-00-00 00:00:00”,
        "updated":"2011-10-17 10:48:05”
    },   …

See also: http://gap.alexandriaarchive.org/places/874699/books.json