entech281 / Robot2023

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Robot2023 To use Talon motors add the following link to your vscode WPILIB vendor libaries: https://maven.ctr-electronics.com/release/com/ctre/phoenix/Phoenix5-frc2023-latest.json

To use NavX add: https://dev.studica.com/releases/2023/NavX.json

Coding Rules for the season

  1. Always push to GitHub before leaving
  2. Pull main before starting at each practice
  3. All merges to main must be done via PR

Coding flow for a practice is:

  1. Pull main
  2. Merge main into your branch OR start a new branch
  3. Do work
  4. Push your branch
  5. [If you are done] Make a PR to merge your branch to main

Instructions for PhotonVision

Released firmware at https://github.com/PhotonVision/photonvision/releases

Install instructions: https://docs.photonvision.org/en/latest/docs/getting-started/installation/sw_install/raspberry-pi.html

Setup after a burning a fresh image