entomb / dragonchan

A prototype script to transform any /b/ thread into a dragon slaying match.
24 stars 17 forks source link

Submitted Ideas from Users #11

Closed tselaty closed 11 years ago

tselaty commented 11 years ago
  1. Another interesting idea is to have a list of who's alive and what roll on the side.
  2. And yet another would be to be able to track a single persons contribution to the fight (like, single out their posts... although I realize this is pretty much summed up in the "top dmg" catagories and such on the side")
  3. And lastly, it would be fantastic if there was a way to autoupdate.
  4. What do y`all think of the dev's for the site adding in "character" sprites to represent your class as you fight next to each attack you do?
entomb commented 11 years ago

I'll leave this open to mark things as "done" when they are ready!

awesome job!

tselaty commented 11 years ago

I'll be working on adding in the weapon sprites later, so leave the spriting up to me. I've got some awesome ideas people will like, (e.g. using the attack up sprite icon for bard's power ups).

entomb commented 11 years ago

That's awesome. I'll work on the mechanics then and leave the aesthetics to you

tselaty commented 11 years ago

My background's PHP, Python, JS, CSS, HTML, etc. I've worked with CodeIgniter, Zend, Django, Cake, Symphony, WordPress, Drupal, ModX, etc. The list goes on.

Do you have access to Memcached on the machine you're running? What's your current IT stack look like on the production server?

entomb commented 11 years ago

No memechier but i'm using a memecache provider privided by appfog

the production server has appfog's free settings, heres the info from their site:

Unlimited apps within 2GB RAM Up to 8 service instances 100MB storage per MySQL or PostgreSQL instance 10MB RAM & 6 concurrent connections for Redis, MongoDB, and RabbitMQ instances 5GB data transfer per month 100 requests per second Community-based support Apps limited to *.af.cm domains

This is more then enough for now, we are getting 1/2 request per second on threads with 70 people. If there is a need for more juice i have access to a VPN where i can deploy the app, and there i can use native memcache as well as other goddies. the inly limitation that worries me is the 5GB trafic, now with the sprites and css this can not be enough for 1 month