entomb / dragonchan

A prototype script to transform any /b/ thread into a dragon slaying match.
24 stars 17 forks source link


A prototype script to transform any /bant/ thread into a dragon slaying match.

Set up (or hijack) any thread using the template below and copy paste it's ID into this URL:


I`m not posting these threads, random people have been doing that. I have no control over it. If you have complains about the spam, sage the threads yourself.

If you have complains about being banned for posting too many dragon threads in one day, well, its not my fault either.

Please don`t spam with dragon threads or you will end up ruining it for other people.

How to start a dragonchan thread:

Allways check this page for the correct template before posting. rules will be updated as the game evolves

OP options: difficulty@ command

OP options: name@ command

this will set the boss name (no spaces, no numbers):

name@[desired name]

OP options: element@ command

this will set the boss element:

element@fire element@ice element@earth element@electric element@water


use the commands described above to configure the boss

ITT: /bant/ dragon slayer raid!

This huge motherfucking dragon appears out of nowhere.
Read the full rules here: (place official link here)

Heres some info about this boss:

If your ID starts with a number you are a HEALER.
If your ID starts with a vowel you are a BARD.
If your ID starts with "Y","X","Z", a RANGER.
If your ID starts with a "/" or "+" you are a PALADIN.
If your ID ends with a "/" or "+" you are a DEATH KNIGHT.
If your ID starts AND ends with a "/" or "+" you are DRAGONBORN.
If your ID starts with "W","R","L","C" or "K" you are a WARLOCK.
Otherwise you are a KNIGHT

Your last 2 digits represent the damage you do
If you roll under 11 you DIE! (your posts will no longer do damage)


Dont forget to copy/paste the thread ID into the url

http://link/[place thread_id here]

HEALERS revive fallen soldiers
BARDS can boost the party damage by posting images
RANGERS are luck based, better rolls = more damage!
KNIGHTS can critical hit and avenge!
PALADINS can avenge AND revive!
WARLOCKS can summon minions by posting an image.
DEATH KNIGHTS can continue attacking after they die.
DRAGONBORN can avenge and revive when alive, and attack after death.

you can be avenged/revived 6 times max
If you roll 00 or 69 you REVIVE everyone! their damage will count again!
The boss will enrage bellow 20% HP, the minimum roll will be 22. however, he will no longer heal himself


v1.7.2- 07-05-2017

v1.7.1- 06-05-2017

v1.7- 09-07-2013

v1.6.5- 30-04-2013

v1.6- 27-04-2013

v1.5- 24-04-2013

version 1.4.5 - 22-04-2013

version 1.4.1 - 21-04-2013

version 1.4 - 20-04-2013

version 1.3.1 - 19-04-2013

version 1.3 - 19-04-2013

version 1.2 - 19-04-2013

version 1.1 - 16-04-2013

version 1 - 15-04-2013

v0 - 14-04-2013