entomb / dragonchan

A prototype script to transform any /b/ thread into a dragon slaying match.
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Element v1. & Balancing #22

Closed tselaty closed 11 years ago

tselaty commented 11 years ago
entomb commented 11 years ago

this seems like a well tought addition! good job, bro!

we need an updated README and info page to tutorial people about this changes. can you?

entomb commented 11 years ago

I'm usere about the summoning element system, i can write "fireicewaterelectricearth" on the post and allways get the element right, would it fuck things up if we put this on a luck number based on image last digit?

or should we had a penalty if i cast 2 elements and make the summon "hit himself in confusion" ?

tselaty commented 11 years ago

The first occurrence of an element suggested will be the element used. If you type "fireicewaterelectricearth", then your element is fire.

Let's implement a global "miss" system instead of confusion. As suggested before, if your post timestamp ends with 01-05, then your attack misses. The range is 00 - 99, so essentially your chances of missing is 5%, or 95% chance to hit, which is reasonable.

tselaty commented 11 years ago

Anywhere abuse can happen, we should count on the side of err. I believe the foreach breaks out of its loop once it occurs a specific element.

entomb commented 11 years ago

The post timestamp is not visible to common users, the page converts it to a date/time string. we could use the "seconds" part and make a 3/60 chance of miss.

entomb commented 11 years ago

I commited a draft for tutorial page (that i will complete at home) and we can put this new warlock mechanic online.

We should use the elements for other class, a mage/sorcerer, with some interesting twist. gonna think about it on my way home. I'm also finishing the ranger/archer mechanic draft, but i cant find more "if your ID..." conditions to add new classes....

tselaty commented 11 years ago

Interesting. I thought that the timestamp was in a unix timestamp, therefore ending between 00-99. I could be wrong. We don't want the timestamp to be controllable, and we want it to be a luck of the draw. The same way as if a game engine doesn't allow any predictability during an attack sequence for a missed attack.

I absolutely agree on using the elements for another class. I personally wanted to use it for a Mage, but I didn't want to tackle the overhead of adding another class yet. However, if we were to add it to another class, it'd have to be either "Sorcerer" or "Mage", where Mage makes more sense to me.

We'll have to take away some chances at becoming a knight or another class in adding in another class in its place. I think we should do some "what are the chances of me becoming a..." table to make sure we've got proper balancing. A Knight has the potential to generally more damage than a Death Knight, except a Death Knight can attack faster, and when he dies, he'll ultimately do more damage than a Knight, which is its purpose.

Let me think about it some more too. Either way, it's headed in the right direction.

entomb commented 11 years ago

Yes, its a unixtimestamp but its just not visible to users. the actual timestamp doesn't appear anywhere on the page,

I dislike the 'seconds' solution, but i think seconds aren't subject of change between timezones, only hours and minutes. anyway, lets incubate this idea untill we find an elegant solution.

Mage sounds good to me, lets do that, I really enjoy your code and your way of thinking so I'm perfectly happy with anything you get for Mage class based on elements or any other thing.

I'm thinking about: "+" => paladin "/" => death knight OR starts with "+" or "/" => palading ends with "+" or "/" => death knight

in the other hand if we reduce the number of deathknighs right now i guess people are going to complain, i think it was a very successful class among players.

this should make death knights more "visible" to healers too

entomb commented 11 years ago

okokookok check this out:

start with "+" or "/" => paladin ends with "+" or "/" => death knight starts AND ends with "+" or "/" => dragonborn (your can heal/avenge when alive, and attack when dead)

is this a valid approach?

tselaty commented 11 years ago

Oh MAN that's great. People are going to flip this shiz over that. Let's do it.

tselaty commented 11 years ago

If you do that, commit the code into a separate branch. I'll work on using only KICK ASS gear / weapons too for the Dragonborn

entomb commented 11 years ago

gonna finish this tutorial template and start on the dragonborn rules.