entropyxyz / cli

CLI utility to ease interactions with an Entropy network.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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faucet #28

Open jawndiego opened 2 months ago

jawndiego commented 2 months ago

in testnet -- we're currently using alice in cli to fund transfers. we'll need to implement a real faucet

frankiebee commented 1 month ago

This is no longer accurate but we'll use this issue to track progress on faucet ideas: currently we are just manually issuing testnet tokens but ideally we have a registered account handle faucet tokens see: https://github.com/entropyxyz/entropy-core/pull/883

this would require a new feature apart of the cli that submits a transaction on chain

JesseAbram commented 1 month ago

proposal.......ok what im actually doing for it lol

frankiebee commented 1 month ago

work with @rh0delta to integrate it into cli and maybe then as an adapter into sdk

in my option it would be better as an adapter in the cli then the sdk. Sdk adapters should be pure formatters for specific chains the faucet should be a custom adapter that has a postSign function that broadcasts to chain(?). However a generic substrate adapter would be nice in the sdk.