entropyxyz / cli

CLI utility to ease interactions with an Entropy network.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
5 stars 0 forks source link

Entropy CLI

A straightforward command-line interface (CLI) tool to showcase how to perform basic Entropy actions.

This tool is in early development. As such, a lot of things do not work. Feel free to play around with it and report any issues at github.com/entropyxyz/cli.


  1. Make sure you've got Yarn 1.22.X installed:

    # MacOS
    brew install yarn
    # Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt install yarn -y
    # Arch
    sudo pacman -S yarn
  2. Clone the Entropy CLI repository and move into the new directory:

    git clone https://github.com/entropyxyz/cli && cd cli
  3. Build the CLI with Yarn:

  4. Start the CLI:

    yarn start

You should now see the main menu:

? Select Action (Use arrow keys)
> Manage Accounts
  Deploy Program
  User Programs

Basic usage

Start the CLI

Start the CLI by moving to the CLI directory and running yarn start:

cd cli
yarn start

This command will bring you to the main menu:

? Select Action (Use arrow keys)
> Manage Accounts
  Deploy Program
  User Programs

Stop the CLI

You can stop the CLI by selecting Exit from the main menu or pressing CTRL + c.

Available functions

Function Description
Manage accounts Create, import, and list your locally stored Entropy accounts.
Balance Show the balance of any locally stored accounts.
Register Register a locally stored account with the Entropy network.
Sign Get a signature from the Entropy network using a locally stored, registered account.
Transfer Transfer funds from a locally stored account to any other address.
Deploy Program Deploy a program to the Entropy network using a locally stored account.
User Programs List the programs stored on the Entropy network by any locally stored accounts.

For more instructions on using the CLI, check out docs.entropy.xyz/reference/cli.


Need help with something? Head over to the Entropy Community repository for support or to raise a ticket →


This project is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.